C-4.6 Assessment Calculation Example for Mail Characteristic PAF

The example below explains the process and calculation of assessments for Mail Characteristic Errors. The example shows the PAF and assessment calculation for one mail owner, and the aggregation calculation for an eDoc submitter.

Table C-4.6a

Assessment Calculation Example Parameters

Mail Owner #1 eDoc and Monthly Seamless Verification Results:



Example Parameters

Total Mail Owner eDoc Monthly Postage


Total Mail Owner eDoc Postage For Sampled Pieces


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with No errors


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with Errors

Mail Characteristic: $422

Statistically Significant Errors for Mail Owner’s Population

Mail Characteristic: Yes

Adjusted Postage For Mail Owner Pieces with Postage Errors

Mail Characteristic: $537

PAF Threshold


The process to calculate Postage Verification error verification results and assessments is below:

  1. Mail Owner #1 PAF Calculation:

  3. Mail Owner #1 Pieces Assessment Calculation:

Table C-4.6b

Assessment Calculation Example Parameters

Mail Owner #2 eDoc and Monthly Seamless Verification Results:



Example Parameters

Total Mail Owner eDoc Monthly Postage


Total Mail Owner eDoc Postage For Sampled Pieces


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with No errors


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with Errors

Mail Characteristic: $124

Statistically Significant Errors for Mail Owner’s Population

Mail Characteristic: Yes

Adjusted Postage For Mail Owner Pieces with Postage Errors

Mail Characteristic: $435

PAF Threshold


The process to calculate Postage Verification error verification results and assessments is below:

  1. Mail Owner #2 PAF Calculation:

2. Mail Owner #2 Postage Assessment Calculation: $0, mailer is below PAF Threshold.

Table C-4.6c

Assessment Calculation Example Parameters

Mail Owner #3 eDoc and Monthly Seamless Verification Results:



Example Parameters

Total Mail Owner eDoc Monthly Postage


Total Mail Owner eDoc Postage For Sampled Pieces


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with No errors


Mail Owner eDoc Postage for Sampled Pieces with Errors

Mail Characteristic: $17

Statistically Significant Errors for Mail Owner’s Population

Mail Characteristic: Yes

Adjusted Postage For Mail Owner Pieces with Postage Errors

Mail Characteristic: $25

PAF Threshold


The process to calculate Postage Verification error verification results and assessments is below:

  1. Mail Owner #3 PAF Calculation:

  3. Mail Owner #3 Postage Assessment Calculation:

  5. Aggregation of Mail Owner Assessments:

    Mail Owner

    Assessment for Mail Characteristic

    Mail Owner


    Mail Owner


    Mail Owner


    Total eDoc Submitter Postage Assessment
