Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 8-3.3 Resolution Process The reviewer must contact the mailer within 5 business days to gather any supporting d..." /> Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 8-3.3 Resolution Process The reviewer must contact the mailer within 5 business days to gather any supporting d..." />

8-3.3 Resolution Process

The reviewer must contact the mailer within 5 business days to gather any supporting documentation. A supervisor or manager then provides concurrence on the recommended resolution. The Postal Service has until the end of the second calendar month after the assessment month to complete the review process. Once the review is complete, the Postal Service employee updates the assessment to indicate the adjusted additional postage due or closes the assessment if no assessment is due.

8-3.3.1 Closed Assessments

Assessments that are determined to be no longer due are closed with no further action required. The eDoc submitter receives an email notification that the assessment amount has been closed without payment required.

8-3.3.2 Adjusted Assessments

Assessments with a balance remaining after review are updated to “Payment Due” status and payment is required within 3 business days.

8-3.3.3 PCSC Appeals

Once the review has been finalized, the reviewer will notify the mailer of findings and provide information on the appeal process (justification, documentation, and timelines). The mailer must submit appeal documentation to the reviewer within 15 days of review resolution. The reviewer will notify their Manager of Business Acceptance Performance that the mailer would like to appeal. The Manager of Business Acceptance Performance will notify their Reconciliation Specialist that the mailer wants to appeal to the PCSC. Reconciliation Specialist will analyze assessment to ensure it is ready for PCSC appeal. If the Reconciliation Specialist determines that the appeal is ready for the PCSC, the Reconciliation Specialist will notify the Manager of Business Acceptance Performance that the district Reviewer can escalate to PCSC. If approval of the appeal is given by the PCSC team, the PCSC team should provide comments to include exactly what errors are being removed from the assessment. Conclusion should reflect the total monetary reduction specifics and the total amount due, if any. This information will be relayed back to the mailer via email by PCSC and the district personnel. Once appeal review is complete the mailer has 10 days to pay assessment in full, if there is any remaining balance.