8-3.2 Request Review Process

eDoc Submitters can either pay or request review of a postage assessment within 10 business days after the 11th of the month. eDoc Submitters review the Mail Entry Assessment reports for all CRIDS with postage due. Note: Only BCG users with VAE Services (BSA or user role) and/or the BSA of Manage Mailing Activity can access and act on the Mail Entry Assessment Reports.

eDoc submitters can request review for the entire additional postage due, by error metric, or by error count. Selecting “Request Review” by an eDoc submitter changes the assessment status to “Pending Review.” The Postal Service assigns a Business Mail Entry Acceptance employee to investigate all review requests and a Business Acceptance Performance Reconciliation Specialist provides second level oversight. If a review is requested, the entire assessment is placed in a pending review status and no further action can be taken by the eDoc Submitter until resolution.

8-3.2.1 Automated Undocumented Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) Review Process

The Postal Service provides an Automated Undocumented Intelligent Mail Barcode Matching Process utilizing standardized .txt files of IMbs. IMbs must follow the formatting pictured in Exhibit 8-3.2.1a and contain no leading nor trailing characters.

Exhibit 8-3.2.1a

Intelligent Mail Barcoding

Intelligent Mail Barcoding

Mailers will work with their USPS District Analyst to submit a request for a file matching review within 10 business days after the 11th of each month.

For consistency, follow a standardized format as follows:

  1. The file names must be standardized, consisting of the ServiceNow ticket number, the Invoiced CRID, the Invoice Month in “MMDDYYYY” format, and the USPS Analyst Name, with a single underscore (“_”) between each element.
  2. Each file will consist of requests for a single invoiced CRID and invoice month. This means that larger mailers with multiple CRIDs will have multiple files to submit for one Invoice Month.

Instructions for this review process are available on PostalPro at https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/seamless-acceptance/auto-review-process. An sample from PostalPro is provided as Exhibit 8-3.2.1b.

Exhibit 8-3.2.1b

Converting .xlsx File to .txt

Converting .xlsx File to .txt