Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 4-3.3 Post-Induction Verifications Postal Service systems perform six post-induction verifications on all accep..." /> Publication 685 - Publication for Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats - Contents 4-3.3 Post-Induction Verifications Postal Service systems perform six post-induction verifications on all accep..." />

4-3.3 Post-Induction Verifications

Postal Service systems perform six post-induction verifications on all accepted eInduction containers. Verification failures are logged as errors and count against the eDoc submitter’s monthly error threshold. Errors in excess of the error threshold may be subject to assessment. The error types and error thresholds for eInduction verifications are located below.

4-3.3.1 Undocumented (Extra) Containers Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction for all scanned and accepted eInduction containers to be included in the following:

  1. In an eDoc submitted within 45 days of the scan date.
  2. On an electronic postage statement in FIN or FPP status at time of scan.

The error description for Undocumented Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Undocumented Error Description


Undocumented Errors are only logged for eInduction Continuous MID containers and for all containers entered at facilities not enabled with the Surface Visibility system and scanners.

4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for Undocumented Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with Undocumented Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for Undocumented errors calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Undocumented Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

(Extra) Undocumented Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

For mailers participating in Seamless Acceptance, eInduction Undocumented Errors are logged but containers are not subject to assessment.

4- Postage Assessment

Each Undocumented eInduction container above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount will be equal to the average postage paid for each container mailed by the eDoc submitter CRID over the current invoice period.

Undocumented eInduction container above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment

For mailers who have no volume data for the current month, the 30-day average postage for all containers and mail classes mailed by the eDoc submitter CRID for the month prior is used. If no volume data from the prior month is available, the Postal Service uses the average postage for all containers and mail classes submitted to the Postal Service for the assessment month.

This same assessment process applies to logical mailers, since undocumented containers cannot be linked to a logical counterpart. See 4-4 for additional guidance.

For assessment calculation examples for Undocumented Errors, see Appendix C.

4-3.3.2 Payment Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction for all containers to be linked to a finalized postage statement. Postal Service systems log Payment Errors when an electronic scanned and accepted eInduction container is associated with an electronic postage statement that is not in FIN or FPP status at the time of scanning. This verification is only performed when the container can be associated to an eDoc and the electronic postage statement is not in EST status.

The error description of a Payment Error is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Payment Error Description


4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for Payment Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with Payment Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for Payment Errors calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Payment Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Payment Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

For mailers participating in Seamless Acceptance, eInduction Payment Errors are logged but containers are not subject to assessment.

4- Postage Assessment

Each container above the error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the containers eDoc postage amount as indicated on the non-finalized electronic postage statements.

For Payment Errors logged on physical siblings of logical containers, the total postage is charged to the first physical sibling container scanned. Any additional scans among other physical siblings will log errors but will not result in an additional charge.

See 4-4 for additional information.

For assessment calculation examples for Payment Errors, see Appendix C.

4-3.3.3 Duplicate Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction for all IMcbs to remain unique for 45 days. Postal Service systems log Duplicate Errors when an IMcb is scanned and accepted during more than one FAST appointment in the previous 45 days. This verification is only performed when the container can be associated to an eDoc. Duplicate Errors are not logged if the duplicate scans take place within 5 hours of the original container scan.

The description of a Duplicate Error is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Duplícate Error Description


4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for Duplicate Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with Duplicate Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for Duplicate Errors calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Duplicate Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Duplicate Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is located in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

For mailers participating in Seamless Acceptance, eInduction Duplicate Errors are logged but containers are not subject to Postage Assessment.

4- Postage Assessment

Each Duplicate eInduction container above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the average postage paid for each container mailed by the eDoc submitter CRID over the current invoice period.

For mailers who have no volume data for the current month, the 30-day average postage for all containers and mail classes mailed by the eDoc submitter CRID for the month prior is used. If no volume data from the prior month is available, the Postal Service uses the average postage for all containers and mail classes submitted to the Postal Service for the assessment month.

For Duplicate Errors logged against physical siblings of logical containers, postage is recalculated on the logical container, then divided by the number of physical siblings. This amount is then applied to each physical sibling in error.

See 4-4 for additional guidance.

For assessment calculation examples for Duplicate Errors, see Appendix C.

4-3.3.4 Misshipped Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction that all containers claiming a destination entry discount be delivered to correct entry locations per the active version of the Mail Direction File. The correct entry location is determined using the Container Destination ZIP, Rate Class, Processing Category, and Container Entry Facility Type. All redirection locations are valid entry locations.

Postal Service systems log Misshipped Errors when the container is delivered to an incorrect entry location. This verification is only performed when the container can be associated to an eDoc. Containers not containing pieces that claim destination entry discount rates (origin entry and numeric zone rates) may be entered at any entry point indicated in the mailer’s eDoc.

The description of a Misshipped Error is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Misshipped Error Description


The Postal Service only logs Misshipped Errors on eInduction Continuous MID containers, on containers identified as “Accept Misship = Y” in eDoc, and on all containers entered at facilities not enabled with the Surface Visibility system and scanners.

The Postal Service uses the version of the Mail Direction File in effect at the time the container was scanned/unloaded.

4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for Misshipped Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with Misshipped Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for Misshipped Error calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Misshipped Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Misshipped Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

The following exceptions exist for the requirement to deliver containers to a correct entry location:

  1. Postal Service systems identify co-located facilities and do not log Misshipped Errors when the entry facility is co-located with the correct entry facility.
  2. A Misshipped Error is not logged if the container was offloaded by the Postal Service on the wrong stop of a multi-stop FAST appointment. The appointment must be set-up as a multi-stop appointment within FAST.
4- Postage Assessment

Each misshipped eInduction container above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the difference between the eDoc postage claimed and the correct postage amount for the container. The correct postage amount is calculated using the piece rate at the Entry Discount of “None” for the mail class, shape, weight, mail prep, and presort identified in the eDoc per Notice 123. Postage is calculated at the piece level and totaled for the container. Only pieces claiming destination entry discount rate are subject to assessment.

For Misshipped Errors logged against physical siblings of logical containers, postage is recalculated on the logical container, then divided by the number of physical siblings. This amount is then applied to each physical sibling in error.

Notice 123 is found here:

See 4-4 for additional guidance.

For assessment calculation examples for Misshipped Errors, see Appendix C.

4-3.3.5 Zone Discount Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction for pieces claiming a Zone Discount to be entered at a valid facility. Postal Service systems log Zone Discount Errors when Zone Discount claimed in the eDoc is invalid at the actual entry facility.

A description of the Zone Discount verification is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Zone Discount Error Description


Two separate processes verify Zone Discounts:

  1. Numeric Zone Discount: Postal Service systems log errors when the claimed Zone discount at the piece level is greater than the Zone Discount calculated between the actual entry point and the destination of the pieces.
  2. For Postal Service-transported containers, the Zone Verification uses the verification ZIP as the origin in the zone calculation.

  3. Non-Numeric Zone Discount: Postal Service systems log zone errors when the deepest non-numeric zone discount claimed on pieces within a container is invalid at the actual entry facility, per the Mail Direction File. Valid entry discount is determined using the actual scan location, Rate Class, and Processing Category.
  4. Non-numeric zone verifications are not performed on misshipped containers.

This verification is only performed when the container can be associated to an eDoc. The Postal Service uses the version of the Postal Service Zone Chart and Mail Direction File in effect at the time the container was scanned/unloaded.

4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for Zone Discount Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with Zone Discount Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for Zone Discount Errors calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Zone Discount Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Zone Discount Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is located in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

Postal Service systems identify co-located facilities and do not log Zone Discount Errors for containers claiming non-numeric Zone Discounts when the entry facility is co-located with a valid entry facility.

4- Postage Assessment

Each eInduction container with a Zone Discount Error above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the difference between the eDoc postage claimed and the correct postage amount for the container.

For containers claiming a numeric Zone Discount in the eDoc, the correct postage amount is based on calculated Zone between the actual entry point and the destination of the pieces in the container, per the Postal Service Zone Chart. The correct postage amount is calculated using the calculated Zone for the mail class, shape, weight, mail prep, and presort identified in the eDoc per Notice 123. Postage is calculated at the piece level and totaled for the container. Postage is calculated at the piece level and totaled for the container. Only pieces with a correct postage rate greater than the claimed postage rate are subject to assessment.

For containers claiming a non-numeric Zone Discount in the eDoc, correct postage amount is calculated using the piece rate for the Entry Discount that is valid at the actual entry point for the mail class, shape, weight, mail prep, and presort identified in the eDoc per Notice 123.

Notice 123 is found here:

Postage is calculated at the piece level and totaled for the container. Only pieces with a correct postage rate greater than the claimed postage rate are subject to assessment.

For Zone Discount Errors logged against physical siblings of logical containers, postage is recalculated on the logical container, then divided by the number of physical siblings. This amount is then applied to each physical sibling in error to the eDoc Submitter CRID. See 4-4 for additional guidance.

For assessment calculation examples for Zone Discount Errors, see Appendix C.

4-3.3.6 Entry Point Discount (EPD) Verification

4- Description

It is a requirement of eInduction for pieces claiming a destination entry discount to be entered at a valid facility. Postal Service systems log Entry Point Discount (EPD) errors when entry discount claimed in the eDoc is invalid at the actual entry facility.

The description of an EPD Error is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Entry Point Discount Description


The Postal Service uses the version of the Mail Direction File in effect at the time the container was scanned/unloaded.

Valid entry discount is determined using the actual scan location, Rate Class, and Processing Category.

EPD Errors are not logged on undocumented or misshipped containers.

4- Error Calculation

The error percentage for EPD Errors is calculated by dividing the number of scanned eInduction containers with EPD Errors in eDoc by the number of scanned eInduction containers.

Error percentage for EPD Errors calculation

4- Error Threshold

The error threshold for Entry Point Discount Errors is included in Table 4-

Table 4-

Entry Point Discount Error Thresholds


An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is located in Appendix A of this document.

4- Exceptions

Postal Service systems identify co-located facilities and do not log EPD Errors for containers claiming destination entry discounts when the entry facility is co-located with a valid entry facility.

4- Postage Assessment

Each eInduction container with an Entry Point Discount Error above an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the difference between the eDoc postage claimed and the correct postage amount for the container.

For containers claiming an Entry Point Discount in the eDoc, correct postage amount is calculated using the piece rate for Entry Discount that is valid at the actual entry point for the mail class, shape, weight, mail prep, and presort identified in the eDoc, per Notice 123. Postage is calculated at the piece level and totaled for the container. Only pieces with a correct postage rate greater than the claimed postage rate are subject to assessment.

For EPD Errors logged against physical siblings of logical containers, postage is recalculated on the logical container, then divided by the number of physical siblings. This amount is then applied to each physical sibling in error. See 4-4 for additional guidance.

For assessment calculation examples for Zone Discount Errors, see Appendix C.