Full-Service verification is a five-step process as shown in Exhibit 2-3.1a.
Exhibit 2-3.1a
Full-Service Verification Process

- The mailer prepares the mailing and applies a unique IMb to each postcard, letter, and flat. Full-Service requirements also include application of a unique IMtb on each handling unit label when mail is prepared using trays or sacks and a unique IMcb on the pallet or other container label when mail is containerized. The mailer uploads their eDoc containing all this information to PostalOne!.
- Validations are performed on the eDoc for various Full-Service preparation requirements. Once the file is accepted without errors, the electronic postage statement is created and visible to Acceptance Employees on the PostalOne! dashboard. The Acceptance Employees finalize the electronic postage statement when the mailing is presented for acceptance and verification.
- The finalized eDoc is verified against the standards required for being a Full-Service mailing. Multiple items in the eDoc are verified automatically. For example, the barcodes in the eDoc are checked for correct elements such as a MID.
- Mailer Scorecard (see Exhibit 2-3.1b) reports compile verification data across all systems and display these on the summary page of the Mailer Scorecard and through drilldown reports. There is a 48-hour delay between electronic postage statement finalization to the time that data becomes available on the Mailer Scorecard and mail quality reports. The mail quality reports are drilldown reports accessed from the Mailer Scorecard. The Mailer Scorecard allows for trend reporting and analysis and includes detailed error information. Additional information on the Mailer Scorecard is available in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.
Exhibit 2-3.1b
Mailer Scorecard

- Finally, all results used to evaluate mail quality are displayed on the Mailer Scorecard. At the end of the month, the total of all results is used to determine mail quality. The display defaults to showing the current month, with the ability to view up to the previous 13 months. An assessment is generated to remove the Full-Service discount for any mailpieces exceeding the error threshold. The Full-Service verification descriptions, error percentage calculations, error thresholds, exceptions, and postage assessment are detailed in the sections below.
It is a requirement of Full-Service to use a valid MID in the container (IMcb), handling unit (IMtb) and piece (IMb) barcodes. The MID is a six- or nine-digit code included in the Intelligent Mail barcode suite, allowing identification of the party responsible for a mailpiece, handling unit, or container. These barcodes are provided in the eDoc for evaluation. A valid MID is one that is registered within the Postal Service systems. Information on how to acquire or validate a MID can be found in the Quick Step Guide to MID and/or CRID Acquisition: https://postalpro.usps.com/node/1135.
Mailers should note that MIDs are not available for use until 48 hours after activation. Descriptions of each MID error are included in the Table 2-
Table 2-
MID Error Descriptions
To calculate MID errors, the numerator and denominator must be the same type of Full-Service element (both numerator and denominator are containers, or both are handling units, or both are pieces). The error percentage for containers and handling units is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service container/handling units with MID errors in eDoc by the total number of Full-Service containers/handling units submitted in an eDoc that contains any Full-Service pieces. Mixed-service containers/handling units contain both basic and Full-Service pieces. The error percentage for pieces is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service pieces with MID errors in eDoc by the number of total Full-Service pieces submitted in eDoc.

The error threshold for each MID error is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
MID Error Thresholds
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this publication.
There are no exceptions for the MID requirements.
Any Full-Service pieces with errors that exceed an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123, Price List: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error above the threshold.
For container and handling unit errors, the assessment applies to all Full-Service pieces nested to the containers or handling units with errors above the error threshold. For logical containers/handling units, the assessment applies to all pieces within the logical container/handling unit if any physical sibling container/handling unit has an error over the error threshold. More information on logical containers is available in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.
The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. Errors on containers and handling units are applied to nested pieces. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for MID errors, see Appendix C.
It is a requirement of Full-Service to use the appropriate STID for the mail class and service level of the mailpiece in the IMb. The STID is a three-digit code included in the IMb for a mailpiece. These IMbs are provided in the eDoc for evaluation.
The list of valid STIDs including the appropriate class and service level can be found in Appendix A: Ancillary Service Type Identifier (STID) Details | PostalPro https://postalpro.usps.com/address-quality/ACS/AppendixA_STID_Details.
A description of a STID Error is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
STID Error Description
The error percentage for STID Errors is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service pieces with STID Errors in eDoc divided by the total number of Full-Service pieces submitted in eDoc.

The error threshold for STID Errors is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
STID Error Threshold
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.
There are no exceptions to the STID requirements for Full-Service mailings.
Any Full-Service pieces with errors that exceed an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error. The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for STID Errors, see Appendix C.
It is a requirement of Full-Service that Mail Preparers or Mail Service Providers (MSP) and Mail Owners be identified in eDoc by using either their MID, Customer Registration ID (CRID), or Permit/Publication Number in the following applicable file field: Mailer ID of Mail Owner, CRID of Mail Owner, Mailer ID of Preparer or MSP, CRID of Preparer or MSP, Mail Owner Permit Number, or Mail Owner Publication Number. Identifying a Mail Owner in a mailing with fewer than 5,000 pieces is optional.
A Mail Owner is a business entity, organization, or individual who makes business decisions regarding the mailpiece content, directly benefits from the mailing, and ultimately pays for postage on the mailpiece directly or by way of a mailing agent. A mailpiece may have more than one Mail Owner.
Mail Owners often use the services of a Mail Preparer (MSP) to prepare and enter their mailings. In this business relationship, the MSP is acting on behalf of the Mail Owner, creating a By/For relationship that is identified in the eDoc. The mail is prepared by the MSP, for the Mail Owner. Both the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer must be identified for all Full-Service mailings, unless the exception criteria in 2- has been met. Identifying a Mail Owner in a mailing with fewer than 5,000 pieces is optional, even for pieces with multiple Mail Owners, unless pieces are claimed at nonprofit prices. The Postal Service strongly encourages the identification of Mail Owners and MSPs in electronic documentation for every mailing, regardless of size, to allow the Postal Service to fully leverage all the benefits of Intelligent Mail technology.
A special circumstance arises when a MSP subcontracts with other Mail Preparers or MSPs to prepare a mailing for the same Mail Owner. Regardless of the size of the ultimate mailing submitted to the Postal Service, MSPs are still required to meet the By/For requirement if the mail volume provided to the second MSP is originally part of a mailing of 5,000 pieces or more tendered to the first MSP by the Mail Owner. For example, a well-known bank plans to mail 10,000 pieces. The bank provides all 10,000 pieces to “MSP A.” “MSP A” prepares and mails 9,000 of the pieces and subcontracts 1,000 pieces to “MSP B” for preparation. The Mail Owner must be identified in the eDoc by both “MSP A” and “MSP B.” It is the responsibility of “MSP A” to instruct “MSP B” to identify the Mail Owner in “MSP B’s” eDoc for this mailing, because the aggregate total presented for the Mail Owner exceeds 5,000 pieces.
Additionally, A Mail Owner that prepares its own mail may be excused from paying assessments arising from By/For errors by notifying the Postal Service that it is also the Mail Preparer. Contact your District Business Mail Entry office for additional information.
For more information on how to acquire or validate a MID or CRID, refer to the Customer Registrations (CRID) and Mailer Identifier (MID) Acquisition Fact Sheet/PostalPro https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/customer-registration-id.
Mail owners, mail preparers, and MSPs should note that MID/CRIDs are not available for use until 48 hours after Business Customer Gateway activation.
The following scenarios cause a By/For error:
- No Valid Mail Preparer is identified: The Mail Preparer CRID or MID fields were blank in the eDoc or had invalid values.
- No Valid Mail Owner is identified: The Mail Owner CRID, MID, Permit Number or Publication Number fields were blank in the eDoc or had invalid values. (Exception: Detailed in 2-
- Mail Preparer is incorrectly recorded as the Mail Owner: Both the Mail Owner and Mail Preparer resolved to the same CRID and the Mail Preparer is not the Mail Owner. (Exception: Detailed in 2-
- Mail Owner previously identified as a Mail Preparer: The Mail Owner was previously identified as a Mail Preparer in a different eDoc submission submitted within the last 90 days or was on a static list of Mail Preparers.
Postal Service systems flag CRIDs that have been identified as a Mail Preparer in a Full-Service eDoc within the last 90 days from the date that the eDoc is submitted. The Postal Service also maintains a list of third-party MSPs.
The description of a By/For Error is included in the Table 2-
Table 2-
By/For Error Description
The error percentage for By/For Errors is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service pieces with By/For Errors in eDoc by the total number of Full-Service pieces submitted in eDoc.

The error threshold for By/For Errors is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
By/For Error Threshold
* Note: A custom By/For Error threshold may be set as noted below.
Mail owners preparing their own mail and eDoc Submitters preparing more than 5 percent of their mailings for Mail Owners providing fewer than 5,000 mailpieces should contact the PostalOne! Helpdesk for further assistance.
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.
Mail Owner identification is not required when the total mailing is fewer than 5,000 pieces. This exception is not applicable to pieces claiming nonprofit prices. The Mail Owner must be identified for all pieces claiming nonprofit prices.
Any Full-Service pieces with errors that exceed an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error.
The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for By/For Errors, see Appendix C.
It is a requirement of Full-Service to keep barcodes unique for 45 days across all mailers and mailings on containers, handling units, and pieces. The 45-day period is measured from the electronic postage statement mailing date provided in the eDoc. Exceptions are detailed in 2- of this publication.
The following fields from each barcode are used to determine if the barcode is unique:
- IMcb: MID and Serial Number.
- IMtb: Barcode Type, MID, Content Identified (CIN), ZIP Code, Serial Number.
- IMb: Class from the STID, MID and Serial Number.
In a mixed-service mailing (a mailing that includes mailpieces with both basic automation and Full-Service automation), all containers and handling units must include a unique IMcb and IMtb.
The IMb that was applied to, or planned to be applied to, a mailpiece but was then spoiled or shorted in production may be re-used if the IMb is identified in the eDoc as spoilage/shortage or if the IMb is removed from the eDoc. The IMb may not be re-used if the spoilage/shortage was reported to the Postal Service using a Mail.dat .PAR record. For more information, see the Mail.dat Technical Specifications found here: https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/techspecs.
The descriptions of each Barcode Uniqueness Error are included in
Table 2-
Table 2-
Barcode Uniqueness Error Descriptions
* Note: The MID, Serial Number, and Mail Class from the STID define a unique IMb. If the same MID and Serial Number are used on two mailpieces with two different STIDs that indicate the same class of mail (for example First-Class STIDs 314 and 320), those pieces will be flagged as non-unique.
To calculate Barcode Uniqueness Errors, the numerator and denominator must be the same type of Full-Service element (both numerator and denominator are containers, or both are handling units, or both are pieces). The error percentage for containers and handling units is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service elements (containers or handling units) with Barcode Uniqueness Errors in eDoc by the total number of Full-Service elements submitted in Full-Service and mixed service eDoc. The error percentage for pieces is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service pieces with Barcode Uniqueness Errors in eDoc by the number of total Full-Service pieces submitted in eDoc.

The error thresholds for Barcode Uniqueness Errors are defined in
Table 2-
Table 2-
Barcode Uniqueness Error Thresholds
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.
The following exceptions exist for Barcode Uniqueness requirements:
For mailings of fewer than 10,000 pieces, mailers may use an identical barcode serial number for all pieces in the mailing or a range of unique barcode serial numbers across pieces in the mailing, provided the serial number(s) is not reused for a period of 45 days from the date of mailing, when the following occurs:
- Postage is affixed to each piece at the correct price,
- Each mailpiece is of identical weight and the mailpieces are separated by price.
Any Full-Service pieces with errors that exceed an error threshold may be subject to an assessment. The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error.
For container and handling unit errors, the assessment applies to all Full-Service pieces nested to the containers or handling units with errors above the error threshold. For logical containers/handling units, the assessment applies to all pieces within the logical container/handling unit if any physical sibling container/handling unit has an error over the error threshold. More information on logical containers is available in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.
The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. Errors on containers and handling units are applied to nested pieces. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for Barcode Uniqueness Errors, see Appendix C.
It is a requirement of Full-Service to identify the entry location for every container or orphan handling unit. An orphan handling unit is a tray or sack that is not nested to a container. Mailers use either a Locale Key or ZIP Code to identify entry location in the eDoc file. The Locale Key or ZIP Code provided in the eDoc must be a valid location in the Facility File of the Drop Ship Product. The Drop Ship Product is available from the FAST system: https://fast.usps.com/fast/.
The description of each Entry Facility Error is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
Entry Facility Error Descriptions
To calculate Entry Facility Errors, the numerator and denominator must be the same type of Full-Service element (both numerator and denominator are containers, or both are orphan handling units). The error percentage for containers and handling units is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service elements (containers or orphan handling units) with Entry Facility Errors in eDoc by the total number of Full-Service elements (containers or orphan handling units) submitted in Full-Service and mixed-service eDoc.

The error thresholds for Entry Facility Errors are defined in Table 2-
Table 2-
Entry Facility Error Thresholds
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is located in Appendix A of this document.
There are no exceptions to the Entry Facility identification requirements.
For container and handling unit errors, the assessment applies to all Full-Service pieces nested to the containers or handling units with errors above the error threshold. For logical containers/handling units, the assessment applies to all pieces within the logical container/handling unit if any physical sibling container/handling unit has an error over the error threshold. The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error.
The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. Errors on containers and handling units are applied to nested pieces. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for Entry Facility Errors, see Appendix C.
It is a requirement of Full-Service that mailers who prepare mailings planned to become part of a co-palletized mailing flag the “included in other documentation” field within the original eDoc submission. It is a requirement that the consolidator provide documentation within 14 days of the mailing date of the original eDoc to properly identify the linkage of the trays or sacks to the container. Verifications are performed to ensure that co-palletization mailers have submitted a file linking the trays or sacks to the containers. Unlinked Copal Errors occur when a tray or virtual sack marked for co-palletization in eDoc for origin facility is not accounted for on the consolidators’ eDoc within 14 days.
An Unlinked Copal warning is logged immediately when a handling unit is submitted in eDoc and marked for co-palletization in the “included in other documentation” file. This warning is removed from the Mailer Scorecard when the handling unit is linked to a container in the consolidator’s eDoc. The warning allows the original eDoc submitter to see if the consolidator has submitted the file linking the handling unit to the container. The warning is converted to an error if the linking file is not submitted within 14 days.
For additional information on how to prepare electronic documentation for co-palletization, review the Mail.dat and Mail.XML Technical Specifications found here: https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/techspecs.
The description of an Unlinked Copal Error is included in Table 2-
Table 2-
Unlinked Copal Error Descriptions
For the Unlinked Copal Error percentage calculation, the numerator and denominator must be the same type of Full-Service element (both numerator and denominator are trays or both are virtual sacks).The error percentage for Unlinked Copal Errors is calculated by dividing the number of Full-Service elements with Unlinked Copal Errors in eDoc by the number of total Full-Service elements submitted in eDoc.

The error threshold for Unlinked Copal Errors is defined in Table 2-
Table 2-
Unlinked Copal Error Threshold
An explanation of error thresholds and the error threshold determination process is in Appendix A of this document.
There are no exceptions to the requirement to provide originator and consolidator eDoc files for co-palletized mailings.
For handling unit errors, the assessment applies to all Full-Service pieces nested to the handling units with errors above the error threshold. For logical handling units, the assessment applies to all pieces within the logical handling unit if any physical sibling container/handling unit has an error over the error threshold. More information on logical containers is available in the Guide to Streamlined Mail Acceptance for Letters and Flats Reporting, found here: https://postalpro.usps.gov/MailAcceptanceReportingGuide.
The assessment amount is equal to the removal of the Full-Service discount (as defined in Notice 123: http://pe.usps.com/cpim/ftp/manuals/dmm300/Notice123.pdf) claimed for each piece in error.
The Full-Service discount is only removed once per piece. Errors on containers and handling units are applied to nested pieces. See 2-4 for additional guidance.
For assessment calculation examples for Unlinked Copal Errors, see Appendix C.