Handbook EL-312 - Employment and Placement - Contents 316 Examination Administrator Responsibilities 316.1 Accepting Applications Examination administrators participate in the outreach efforts during the re..." /> Handbook EL-312 - Employment and Placement - Contents 316 Examination Administrator Responsibilities 316.1 Accepting Applications Examination administrators participate in the outreach efforts during the re..." />

316 Examination Administrator Responsibilities

316.1 Accepting Applications

Examination administrators participate in the outreach efforts during the recruitment campaign and examination announcement period. They perform such tasks as furnishing information to the public about the Postal Service and accepting applications.

316.2 Maintaining Supplies

Examination administrators must maintain adequate supplies of examination materials and provide security for these materials at their locations. Examination administrators request test materials from NTAC using Form 2487, Requisition for Test Materials. Examination administrators report irregular circumstances, loss of examination materials, and possible compromises of examinations to their manager, NTAC, and to others (see 318.5, Loss of Restricted Test Materials).

316.3 Before Scheduling Applicants for Examinations

Before scheduling applicants for an examination, examination administrators train other examiners and monitors, if needed. The administrator verifies that adequate space is available to administer the examinations and that sufficient test materials are available for the examination.

316.4 Administering Examinations

Using the directions for conducting (DFC) provided by NTAC, examination administrators conduct examinations or oversee other examiners giving examinations. Administrators ensure that the examiner and monitors (1) properly admit the applicants to the examination room and (2) observe applicants following the examiner’s instructions to ensure that applicants grid their answer sheets properly. Examiners must constantly be alert to prevent applicants from engaging in unfair practices such as:

  1. Observing each other’s work.
  2. Making use of notes.
  3. Copying examination questions.
  4. Starting a test part before the examiner gives the signal.
  5. Taking examination questions from the room.

If the examiner needs to caution an applicant about unacceptable behavior, he or she must do so without disturbing the group.