632 Worksheet Audits

Selecting officials return Hiring Worksheets to the district with the notation of “Selected by (signature) on (date)” made on the worksheet. Hiring Worksheets must be audited at the district before appointments are made. Auditing is the process in which Hiring Worksheets are reviewed to ensure compliance with regulatory selection rules and procedures (see Exhibit 632, Auditing Hiring Worksheets). The auditing employee determines that all documentation required for declinations and exclusions–from–consideration is in order and that all selections have been made in regard to the rule of three and veterans’ preference. Detected violations must be immediately brought to the attention of appointing officials so corrective action can be taken. Evidence of this audit (e.g., Audited by (signature) on (date)) must appear on the Hiring Worksheet (see 631, General, for retention period).

Hiring Worksheets issued by the Hiring and Testing system are audited the same as other Hiring Worksheets using the system selection application. The rule of three does not have to be done manually since appropriate notations are generated by the system.