328 Processing Examination Results

328.1 Scoring Answer Sheets

Examiners should refer to the following guidance regarding the NTAC scoring of answer sheets.

328.11 NTAC Scoring

The National Test Administration Center scores examination answer sheets and retains these records for 6 months. NTAC retains computer records indefinitely.

328.12 NTAC Ratings

NTAC converts the scores to ratings on a scale of 100. NTAC does not convert applicants’ scores that are lower than passing to numerical ratings; instead, applicants are given ratings of ineligible. NTAC adds claimed veterans’ preference points to eligible ratings only.

328.13 Data for the Hiring and Testing Subsystem

NTAC generates the data to produce notices of rating and electronic records for the Hiring and Testing Subsystem (H&T).

328.2 Transmittal of Register Records and Notices of Rating

Examiners should refer to the following guidance regarding the transmittal of records and notices of rating.

328.21 Arranging Ratings on Registers

NTAC separates entrance register records for applicants by register office (or by lead office under AER or mega register) and arranges register records in descending numerical order of final rating (including veterans’ preference points).

328.22 Arranging Notices of Rating and Alphabetical Records

For entrance registers not on H&T or for inservice results, NTAC prints and mails notices of rating to applicants. For entrance registers on H&T, NTAC provides H&T with electronic records that H&T uses to generate notices of rating and to load applicants on electronic registers. NTAC makes numeric register records available to the examination center for non–H&T registers.