Favorable eligibility and suitability decisions make it possible for the applicant to advance in the hiring process. This means the applicant can be considered, and if selected, given a bona fide job offer followed by a medical assessment. However, a negative decision in any of the eligibility factors — age, Selective Service System registration, driving record, qualifying test, driver’s license review, drug screening, or English competence — disqualifies an applicant from proceeding in the hiring process. Similarly, a negative decision in any of the suitability factors — employment history, military service, or criminal conviction history — disqualifies an applicant. See Exhibit 522, Suitability Factors — Partial List of Reasons for Disqualification, for a partial list of reasons for disqualification on the basis of suitability.
Exhibit 522
Suitability Factors — Partial List of Reasons for Disqualification