ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents General Records Program Administration Correspondence Files. Subject files. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by subject. Description: Used to retain a rec..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents General Records Program Administration Correspondence Files. Subject files. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by subject. Description: Used to retain a rec..." />

General Records

Program Administration

  1. Correspondence Files.
    1. Subject files.
    2. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by subject.

      Description: Used to retain a record of the daily operations and administration of an office and to provide reference to current subjects.

      Cut off this file each calendar year; screen and bring forward current material; dispose of 1 year from the date of cutoff.


    3. Information Copies.
    4. All other correspondence and forms, reports, work papers, lists that accumulate in the performance of office housekeeping not filed by subject and not related to specific programs, projects, or investigative matters, and concerning matters for which other offices have primary responsibility.

      Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 1 year from the date of cutoff.


    5. Correspondence case files pertaining to specific programs or projects.
    6. If maintained separately from the program or project case file, move to an inactive file upon completion of the program or project, and dispose of when 2 years old. Otherwise, dispose of along with the program or project files.


  2. Reference Files.
  3. Description: Copies of documents that duplicate record copies filed elsewhere, documents that require no action, drafts, notes, feeder reports and other such papers, studies, and all documents related to the job.

    Dispose of when superseded or no longer required for reference, whichever is sooner.


  4. Working Files.
  5. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by subject.

    Description: Preliminary or rough drafts, notes, and other materials maintained for use in the development of a final product.

    Dispose of when obsolete or no longer needed.


  6. Speech Files.
  7. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by subject matter and cross–indexed by speaker’s name.

    Description: Invitations to speak, schedules, drafts, work papers, artwork, and related correspondence.

    1. Record copy of key speeches by senior USPS executives, concerning substantive issues such as policy, organizational, and procedural changes.
    2. Permanent. Cut off the file each 3 calendar years; transfer to FRC when 2 years old; offer to National Archives when 10 years old.


    3. Reference copies of speeches, work papers, and schedules.
    4. Dispose of when 1 year old.


    5. Other speeches and related materials.
    6. Dispose of when there is no further reference administrative value.
