To effect a major organizational change with service-wide impact, Organizational Effectiveness coordinates the preparation of an implementation plan with stakeholders. Functional management at Headquarters provides technical guidance, as requested, to ensure accuracy of content and consistency with established policy. When the implementation plan is approved, changes to organizational structure will be entered in the Organizational Management system (see 161.1).
Due to the unique circumstances of each organization, implementation plans will differ. However, most implementation plans may include at least one or more of the following items:
- Schedule of target dates for each phase of the plan.
- Anticipated internal operational impacts of the modified structure and staffing plan.
- Standard job descriptions for new or modified jobs.
- Guidelines for consolidating duties and responsibilities.
- Guidelines covering the transfer of functions to or from another organizational unit.
- Clarification of new reporting relationships.
- Instructions concerning changes affecting bargaining unit positions and consultations with the management associations and local unions, as necessary.
- Suggested procedures for monitoring compliance.
Note: When implementing an organizational change, the organizational change procedures in 354, Assignment of Unassigned Employees, may need to be invoked.