ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 125 Staffing 125.1 Overview Once an effective structure is established, the next step in the organizational design process is to identify appropriate ..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 125 Staffing 125.1 Overview Once an effective structure is established, the next step in the organizational design process is to identify appropriate ..." />

125 Staffing

125.1 Overview

Once an effective structure is established, the next step in the organizational design process is to identify appropriate staffing levels. Based on operational factors, staffing requirements — numbers, types, and grade levels of positions — may differ for organizations with the same structure. However, functional responsibilities and reporting relationships remain generally consistent from one installation to the next.

125.2 Criteria

The amount and type of work are the primary determinants of authorized staffing. Organizations of comparable size and activity that fall within a designated category (e.g., districts, P&DCs, NDCs, and Post Offices) usually can be staffed uniformly above the first level of supervision.

In some structures, circumstances may justify staffing variations above the first level of supervision. Variations occur when the workload in specialized functions fluctuates significantly between organizational units within a standard structure category. In such instances, separate criteria may be developed for position use.

125.3 Matrices

Staffing matrices are used to provide staffing guidance to districts and local installation heads. A staffing matrix details the following:

  1. Types and numbers of positions authorized for specific functional areas, such as in-plant support or safety.
  2. Titles, grades, and the minimum and maximum number of positions appropriate for organizational units such as districts, P&DCs, NDCs, and Post Offices.