ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 753 Payment of Membership Dues or Fees 753.1 Individual Memberships 753.11 Voluntary Postal Service funds are authorized for paying voluntary individu..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 753 Payment of Membership Dues or Fees 753.1 Individual Memberships 753.11 Voluntary Postal Service funds are authorized for paying voluntary individu..." />

753 Payment of Membership Dues or Fees

753.1 Individual Memberships

753.11 Voluntary

Postal Service funds are authorized for paying voluntary individual memberships, dues, and fees in professional associations, provided all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The Postal Service does not have or cannot obtain an institutional membership in the professional association.
  2. The employee requesting the individual membership is in an FLSA-exempt position with a level of EAS-17 or above.
  3. The nature of the professional association is directly related to the employee’s job.
  4. The employee’s Postal Career Executive Services (PCES) executive approves the request and authorizes the payment after determining that the employee’s participation will benefit the Postal Service and that funds are available.
  5. Payment is limited to one individual membership per employee per year.
  6. Payment is not approved solely for the purpose of obtaining reduced fees for continuing education or for related purposes, such as attendance at periodic meetings and conferences.
753.12 Required

If the Postal Service requires nonbargaining employees to maintain a professional license, certification, or membership (for example, a license to practice law or medicine), Postal Service funds may be used, at the discretion of the appropriate officer, to reimburse such employees for the basic dues or fees they pay to satisfy such requirements. Employees submit requests for reimbursement on PS Form 7381, Requisition for Supplies, Services, or Equipment.

The organization submits an authorization request through eBuy and charges the basic dues or fees to its purchase card.

753.2 Institutional Membership

The policy restricting payment of individual membership dues and fees does not preclude Postal Service institutional membership in professional associations. Vice presidents are authorized to define and approve institutional memberships for specific functional areas and organizational units reporting to them.

753.3 Membership Procurement

The vice president of Supply Management is responsible for procuring memberships that cost more than $10,000. In certain cases, the vice president may also procure memberships that cost less than $10,000 if they require a written contract to reflect the benefits, obligations, and responsibilities associated with the membership. An approved eBuy requisition must include either:

  1. The name or position title of the individuals designated to represent the Postal Service.
  2. The total number of individuals included in the membership.

753.4 Periodicals

The Postal Service authorizes funds for subscriptions to professional association periodicals for both the library and individuals designated by name or position title to represent the Postal Service in institutional memberships.