ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Personnel Planning Position Management Memorandum of Authorization. Arrangement: Numerically, by reference code number. Description: The memorandum is..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Personnel Planning Position Management Memorandum of Authorization. Arrangement: Numerically, by reference code number. Description: The memorandum is..." />

Personnel Planning

Position Management

  1. Memorandum of Authorization.
  2. Arrangement: Numerically, by reference code number.

    Description: The memorandum is evidence that a position has been authorized to a certain organizational element or that an organizational unit has been established or changed.

    1. Record copy.
    2. Move to deletion file when position is no longer authorized. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 10 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.


    3. All other copies.
    4. Dispose of when no longer needed.


Affirmative Action

  1. Work Force Profile Statistics Files.
  2. Description: Statistics relating to race and sex of career employees, including postmasters, craft, promotions, accessions, and separations. Reports include quarterly work force profiles, goal monitoring reports.

    Use: To monitor progress of minority employees and affirmative action goals.

    1. Field copies.
    2. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff by shredding or burning.


    3. Headquarters copies.
    4. Cut off this file each fiscal year; transfer to FRC when 10 years old; dispose of 15 years from date of cutoff by shredding or burning.


  3. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) — General Files.
  4. Description: General correspondence and copies of regulations with related records pertaining to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the EEO Act of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and any pertinent future legislation; and USPS EEO Committee meetings and records including minutes and reports.

    1. Field copies.
    2. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.

      N1–28–86–2/27a (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/78)

    3. Headquarters copies.
    4. Cut off this file each fiscal year; retain copies of such documents permanently in order to maintain a historical record for the Postal Service. Do not transfer to FRC.


  5. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) — Affirmative Action Plans (AAP). Includes Affirmative Action Plans for handicapped individuals and disabled veterans.
    1. Record copy of consolidated Affirmative Action Plans.
      1. Field copies.
      2. Cut off each fiscal year. Dispose of 10 years from date of the plan.


      3. Headquarters copies.
      4. Cut off each fiscal year. Maintain copies of national plans for 15 years. Dispose of by burning or shredding.

        N1–28–87–4/8A (2)

    2. Office copies or feeder plans. Statistics for consolidating Affirmative Action Plans.
    3. Dispose of 5 years from date of the plan or when administrative purposes have been served, whichever is sooner.


  6. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) — Reports.
  7. Description: Copies of statistical reports to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Information in the reports consists of minority census data for regions and Headquarters, EEO inventory data, and other statistical analyses.

    Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff. May be retained beyond 5 years at Headquarters level, if deemed appropriate. Do not transfer to FRC.


  8. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) — Staff Directory.
  9. Description: Directory of EEO counselors/investigators and AA/EEO program coordinators and EEO service center personnel.

    Dispose of when superseded.


  10. Women’s Program — Statistical Reports.
    1. Annual reports.
    2. Description: Statistical reports including workforce profiles, promotions, accessions, and separations.

      Cut off each fiscal year. Dispose of 15 years from date of report by burning or shredding.


    3. Quarterly or special reports.
    4. Cut off the report file each fiscal year. Dispose of 1 year from date of cutoff.


  11. Women’s Program — Applications and Resumes.
  12. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by last name of applicant.

    Description: Copies of resumes and job applications (PS Form 991) from women seeking a position with the USPS, exclusive of copies maintained elsewhere within the USPS.

    Destroy after 1 year on file.
