ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 617 Combined Federal Campaign Program 617.1 Annual Campaign 617.11 Purpose The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), established in 1961, is the only autho..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 617 Combined Federal Campaign Program 617.1 Annual Campaign 617.11 Purpose The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), established in 1961, is the only autho..." />

617 Combined Federal Campaign Program

617.1 Annual Campaign

617.11 Purpose

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), established in 1961, is the only authorized charitable solicitation for federal, military, and postal employees. The CFC conducts an annual campaign in support of charitable organizations, soliciting contributions through payroll deduction and one-time or recurring donations, as well as through donations of volunteer time.

Through their contributions to the CFC, employees help essential organizations meet the challenges of sickness and disease. Their contributions assist organizations that minister to the needs of the aged, the handicapped, the young, the disadvantaged, and the mentally ill. Employees’ CFC contributions also help organizations that provide support for education, the arts, and social programs, including veterans’ and military support programs.

Other organizations that benefit from CFC contributions support disaster relief, environmental issues, animal welfare, scientific and medical research, and more. CFC charities provide aid to causes that help those in need – in the community, across the nation, and around the world.

617.12 Authorization

The Postal Service, in cooperation with the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), conducts this annual charitable fund-raising campaign pursuant to Executive Order No. 12353, as amended by Executive Order No. 12404, and all subsidiary units of such programs.

617.2 Organization

617.21 Local Federal Coordinating Committee

The OPM director designates groups of federal, military, and postal officials as Local Federal Coordinating Committees (LFCCs), which conduct the CFC in particular communities. The LFCCs may select an Outreach Coordinator to provide support to the 38 CFC zones throughout the United States and overseas.

617.22 Postal Service Organization

USPS National Human Resources administers the Combined Federal Campaign for USPS.

The Postmaster General (PMG) serves as the U.S. Postal Service National Campaign Chairperson. The PMG announces the campaign and instructs USPS vice presidents and area, regional and district managers, and senior plant managers to identify local campaign managers. The PMG confirms a vice-chairperson to initiate, promote, and monitor the Headquarters campaign. The Headquarters campaign staff designates a Headquarters campaign manager.

617.23 Loaned Executive Program

The Loaned Executive Program is a CFC-sponsored program that trains mid-level managers from the federal civilian, military, and postal sector to plan and execute the annual fundraiser. The loaned executive is assigned as an extension of the CFC professional staff to departments and agencies throughout the government to assist in all phases of the CFC.

617.3 Solicitation

617.31 Participation

Combined Federal Campaign fund-raising programs are conducted throughout the country. All postal employees are contacted and given the opportunity to contribute to the campaign. The decision to participate is voluntary and strictly the employee’s, without pressure or coercion, either direct or implied.

617.32 Time Frame

The solicitation of employees occurs for a variable period each year between September 1 and January 15, as established by OPM.

617.33 Supplies

Specific campaign and publicity materials — i.e., the contribution information leaflet, poster, pledge forms, and list of charities — are printed and supplied by the CFC Outreach Coordinator.

617.4 Contributions

617.41 Contribution Methods

Contributions to the CFC may be made through payroll deduction, paper or electronic check, or unlimited one-time electronic donation. No cash donations are accepted. OPM regulations eliminated cash as a donation method in 2017.

617.42 Authorization for Payroll Deduction

For payroll deduction, employees have two options to sign up. They must register online at cfcgiving.opm.gov, or complete a paper pledge form (OPM Form 1654A, Combined Federal Campaign U.S. Postal Service Pledge Form). Pledge forms may be obtained from local postal CFC workers. Completed pledge forms must be submitted to the local postal CFC worker (preferred) or mailed to the address on the form.

In registering online or completing a pledge form, employees must provide their name, work address, work unit information, and their Employee Identification Number (EIN) authorizing the Postal Service to withdraw the monies from their pay. They must also designate a charity or charities that they wish to receive their CFC contribution.

Campaign workers verify completed pledge forms they receive and then send them to the Central Campaign Administrator (CCA) for processing. The CCA transfers payroll deduction information to Payroll at Eagan Accounting Service Center.

Payroll deduction funds are withdrawn starting on the first pay period that begins January 15 or later each year and ending with the last pay period of the calendar year.

617.43 Cancellation of Payroll Deduction

An employee may revoke the authorization for payroll deduction at any time. For additional information, reference Publication 530, Combined Federal Campaign Operational Guidelines.

617.44 Privacy, Confidentiality, and Integrity of Records

Completed CFC pledge forms contain confidential personal information about employees. Therefore, these records must be safeguarded and protected from unauthorized access and disclosure, and access must be limited to agency employees who need the information to perform their job.

Authorized disclosures may only be made that meet strict Privacy Act requirements, federal regulations, privacy and information security policies that safeguard the confidentiality and integrity of the personal information contained in the individual CFC records, and guidelines or instructions for administration of the CFC program. Agency and CFC staff should consult the Law Department or the Privacy and Records Management Office before disclosing personal information received from employees or others.

Payroll deductions and related correspondence are maintained in Privacy Act System of Records (SOR) USPS 100.400, Personnel Compensation and Payroll Records, which supports all necessary compensation and payroll activities and related management functions, such as payroll deductions for CFC donors. For additional information, reference Publication 530, Combined Federal Campaign Operational Guidelines.

617.5 Reports

National Human Resources receives weekly reports from the CCA. Weekly report data is shared with campaign teams. This data contains no personally identifiable information regarding employees; rather it provides details about pledge amounts, including single donation amounts by date, from all postal units.

No lists or reports are to be created or maintained which contain the names and/or titles of participants or nonparticipants in the campaign.

617.6 Recognition

617.61 Plaques

The CFC provides a recognition program for federal units that achieve high standards of CFC support. Plaques are awarded as visible indication of the community spirit and generous giving of employees.

617.62 Certificates

Certificates of Appreciation for CFC workers are available upon request from the loaned executive.

617.7 Further Information

For detailed information regarding rules, regulations, and instructions on how to run a campaign, see 5 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 950, or Publication 530, Combined Federal Campaign Operational Guidelines, which is available on blue.usps.gov.