All candidates must meet the appropriate qualification standards for positions. The statements of knowledge, skills, and abilities establish the minimum requirements that candidates must meet.
Qualification standards for Postal Service nonbargaining unit positions are available in electronic form on the Postal Service Intranet under the Human Resources homepage (as described in 251.22). These do not include qualification standards for positions in the Postal Career Executive Service (PCES), which do not exist.
Qualification standards for use in entrance and in-service placement for Postal Service bargaining unit positions are found on the Postal Service Intranet under the Human Resources homepage (as described in 251.22). The application of these standards must be consistent with the applicable provisions of the appropriate collective bargaining agreement. See Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, 76, Bargaining Position Qualification Standards, for more information.
Qualification standards for Postal Service nonbargaining unit (except PCES) and bargaining unit positions are available in electronic form on the Postal Service Intranet, as follows:
- Go to
- In the right column, under Human Resources, click HR Home.
- Click Resource Library.
- Under Pay & Benefits, click Systems and Tools.
- Click Pay Programs, then click the hyperlink to JDOnline.