The chief human resources officer and executive vice president is responsible for ensuring that:
- Each position in the Postal Service is evaluated and assigned to an appropriate grade level.
- Postal Service employees receive equal pay for substantially equal work.
- Ensures that the job evaluation policy reflects the Postal Service’s commitment to an open, equitable, and cost-effective method of determining the relative value of positions and grade levels, using the appropriate job classification system.
- Employs the appropriate job analysis tools to identify position duties and responsibilities to achieve organizational objectives.
- Develops new standard job descriptions and qualification standards, when appropriate.
- Revises existing standard job descriptions and qualification standards, when appropriate.
- Evaluates all jobs and assigns the appropriate grade levels.
- Reviews the grade levels assigned to existing jobs.
- Processes requests for job evaluation reviews (RFRs) applicable to bargaining unit and nonbargaining unit positions and reviews RFRs submitted by Headquarters and area offices.
- Reviews requests to rank a bargaining unit position (see Exhibit 212.2, PS Form 820, Ranking of Position Request).
Exhibit 212.2 (page 1 of 2)
PS Form 820, Ranking of Position Request

Exhibit 212.2 (page 2 of 2)
PS Form 820, Ranking of Position Request

Initiating offices (e.g., Post Offices™, districts, processing and distribution centers or facilities, areas, and Headquarters units):
- Rank authorized bargaining unit positions within their organizations.
- Prepare requests to rank bargaining unit positions that cannot be matched to either key or standard job descriptions within their organizations.
- Prepare RFRs for nonbargaining unit positions.
District offices:
- Match RFRs to existing job descriptions.
- Provide comments and input on RFR requests submitted to the area office for review.
Each reviewing office reviews RFRs and processes them as follows:
- If the reviewing office concurs, it submits the recommendations as to the validity of a request to the next review level.
- If the reviewing office does not concur, it returns the request to the requesting official, explaining the reasons for denial.
Management levels of review are defined as follows: