ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 465 Action upon Transfer or Separation 465.1 Withholding Funds from Amount Due If a Postal Service employee whose wages are subject to offset transfer..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 465 Action upon Transfer or Separation 465.1 Withholding Funds from Amount Due If a Postal Service employee whose wages are subject to offset transfer..." />

465 Action upon Transfer or Separation

465.1 Withholding Funds from Amount Due

If a Postal Service employee whose wages are subject to offset transfers to another federal agency or separates from employment, the Postal Service applies any amount due the employee at the time of his or her separation to the debt owed the Postal Service, subject to the requirements of 31 U.S.C. 3716 as outlined in 470 and 480, if appropriate. If the debt is still not satisfied, appropriate action as described in 465.2 or 465.3 should be taken.

465.2 Transfer to Another Federal Agency

If a Postal Service employee whose wages are subject to offset transfers to another federal agency, and the full debt cannot be collected from amounts due the employee from the Postal Service, the following procedures apply:

  1. The Postal Service must request that the former employee’s new agency continue to offset the debtor’s salary until the debt is satisfied.
  2. The request must specify all of the following:
    1. Amount of the original debt.
    2. Amount collected by the Postal Service through salary offsets.
    3. Amount that remains to be collected.
    4. Percentage of the debtor’s disposable earnings or current pay that should be deducted each pay period.
  3. The Postal Service must certify that the former postal employee has been accorded all due process rights to which he or she is entitled.
  4. When the Postal Service sends the request to the new employing agency, it must also send a copy to the former employee at his or her home address.

465.3 Collection of Debt upon Separation

If the Postal Service cannot collect the full debt from amounts due the employee at the time of his or her separation, the financial processing branch manager must attempt to recover the debt from any retirement or disability payments due the former employee in accordance with the provisions of 5 CFR 831, Subpart R, or 5 CFR 845, Subpart D, subject to the requirements or 31 U.S.C. 3716 as outlined in 470 and 480, if appropriate.