ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 742 General Procedures 742.1 Request and Approval All requests for external training must follow the approval chain identified in the application. App..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 742 General Procedures 742.1 Request and Approval All requests for external training must follow the approval chain identified in the application. App..." />

742 General Procedures

742.1 Request and Approval

All requests for external training must follow the approval chain identified in the application. Application forms for the CFD Scholarship and non-Postal training are available on External Training at https://blue.usps.gov/hr/training-development/external-training.htm.

Note: The application forms are subject to change.

742.2 Payment Process

The payment process for external training is as follows:

  1. Employees must use their individual government travel card, accompanied by an approved eBuy, to pay for external training. For more information on this process, visit External Training at https://blue.usps.gov/hr/training-development/external-training.htm. Employees must confirm eBuy final approval status before enrolling or participating in an external training event. All eBuy requests are subject to Postal Service eBuy policies.
  2. The Postal Service reimburses payments through eTravel (https://blue.usps.gov/accounting/travel/etravel.htm), the Postal Service’s online application to create, submit, and approve official business travel expense reports for reimbursement. eTravel can be accessed online directly or through the Postal Service’s travelhelp website at https://blue.usps.gov/travelhelp.
  3. To fund non-Postal Service training, employees must provide their finance number in the eBuy request under “Bill to.” See the Resource Guide for External Training for more information.
  4. Human Resources provides CFD scholarships through a central fund. The maximum award amount is $15,000 per fiscal year.

742.3 Reimbursement to Employees

Employees who paid for an approved external training request out of their own funds may be eligible for reimbursement through the Postal Service’s eTravel online process, subject to the Postal Service verifying their expenses.

For additional information or to access eTravel, visit https://blue.usps.gov/accounting/travel/etravel.htm, or see eTravel on the Postal Service’s travelhelp website at https://blue.usps.gov/travelhelp.

742.4 Travel

Approved travel expenses (transportation, lodging, and per diem) for participation in external training are reimbursed using the Postal Service’s online eTravel system, as authorized in Handbook F-15, Travel and Relocation.

742.5 Documentation

Upon completing training, participating employees must submit documentation verifying achievement of external training. Documentation includes the employee’s training certification copies and grade reports, which must be emailed to the NPT and CFD mailbox at nptandcfd@usps.gov.