ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 434 Overtime and Premium Pay 434.1 Overtime 434.11 General In emergencies or as the needs of the service require, the postmaster or installation head ..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 434 Overtime and Premium Pay 434.1 Overtime 434.11 General In emergencies or as the needs of the service require, the postmaster or installation head ..." />

434 Overtime and Premium Pay

434.1 Overtime

434.11 General

In emergencies or as the needs of the service require, the postmaster or installation head may require employees to perform work that is in excess of 8 paid hours in a day or 40 paid hours in a week.

  1. The overtime limits in 432.32 may not be exceeded.
  2. See 434.13 and 434.14 for the types of compensation for excess hours and eligibility to receive compensation.
434.12 Definitions

Definitions relevant to overtime are as follows:

  1. Exempt employees — employees who are serving in positions that are exempt from and are not covered by the overtime provisions of FLSA because they are paid on a salary basis and are administrative, professional, or executive personnel (see 443.3). These include all employees occupying positions that are classified exempt as indicated in the Organization Management (OM) system position directory.
  2. Nonexempt employees — employees who serve in positions that are covered by the overtime provisions of FLSA (see 443.1), namely all those positions that are not classified as exempt in 434.12a. This includes employees serving in nonexempt positions whose rate retention is based on an exempt position.
  3. Paid hours — hours actually worked plus paid time off, as defined below:
    1. Hours actually worked — a time that management suffers or permits an employee to work. The hours actually worked include compensable travel and training time, standby time, or other time on duty. They do not include paid time off as defined below (see also 443.22).
    2. Paid time off — paid hours of annual leave, sick leave, holiday leave, court leave, military leave, guaranteed time (not worked), and all other paid hours, including personal absences where no work is performed for the Postal Service.
    3. Note: These hours are excluded from the determination of FLSA overtime.

434.13 Types of Compensation
434.131 Postal Overtime

Postal overtime is compensation paid pursuant to Postal Service regulations and in accordance with applicable provisions of the collective bargaining agreements to eligible personnel at 150 percent of each employee’s basic hourly rate for actual work hours in excess of 8 paid hours in a day, 40 paid hours in a service week or, if a full-time bargaining unit employee, on a nonscheduled day.

434.132 FLSA Overtime

FLSA overtime is compensation paid in accordance with the FLSA overtime requirement described in 443.

434.133 Penalty Overtime

Penalty overtime is compensation paid pursuant to Postal Service regulations to eligible personnel at two times the employee’s basic hourly straight-time rate for hours described in applicable labor agreements.

434.134 FLSA Exempt EAS Additional Pay

FLSA-exempt EAS additional pay is compensation directed by Postal Service regulations to be paid to eligible FLSA-exempt employees and is calculated by dividing the annual salary by 2080 and applying this rate to each eligible hour worked.

434.14 Eligibility and Coverage
434.141 Eligible for Overtime Pay

Exhibit 434.141a identifies employees who are eligible for postal overtime.

Exhibit 434.141b identifies employees who are eligible for FLSA overtime.

Exhibit 434.141c identifies employees eligible for penalty overtime.

Exhibit 434.141a

Postal Overtime Pay Eligibility Table


Rate Schedule

Employee Classification

Full-time Regular

Part-time Regular

Part-time Flexible

Casual,* Temporary, and PM Relief

B — Rural Auxiliary











F — Postmasters (A–E)



G — Nurses




K — HQ Op. Services


L — Postmaster Replacement


M — Mail Handlers




N — Data Center



P — PS




Q — City Carriers




R — Rural Carriers





T — Tool and Die



Y — Postal Police



* Casual employees are covered in RS–E regardless of the bargaining unit they supplement.

1. Grades 18 and below only.

2. FLSA–nonexempt employees are eligible when required to work on their scheduled days off and have more than 40 paid hours for the week. Straight–time pay is received for paid leave and hours actually worked until they are eligible for overtime. During the designated Christmas period, FLSA–exempt employees in EAS–23 and below are eligible for additional pay provided they supervise bargaining unit employees in Mail Processing or Delivery Service functions.

3. Postmasters and officers in charge are not eligible, except in two cases:
a. Those who are full-time and nonexempt are eligible for postal overtime when they work a sixth day (see
b. A–E postmasters are eligible for postal overtime for actual work hours in excess of 40 paid hours in a service week.

4. See special provisions in Rural Carrier contract.

Exhibit 434.141b

FLSA Overtime Pay Eligibility Table


Exhibit 434.141c

Penalty Overtime Pay Eligibility Table


When an employee is eligible for more than one type of overtime during a service week:

  1. First, penalty overtime is paid for any qualifying hours;
  2. Next, postal overtime is then paid for qualifying hours that are not paid as penalty overtime and;
  3. Then, a calculation is made to ensure that at least 150 percent of the employee’s regular hourly rate is paid for all hours worked in excess of 40 at the regular hourly rate in the employee’s FLSA workweek.
434.142 Assignment of FLSA-Exempt and Nonexempt Work

An FLSA-exempt employee may perform exempt and nonexempt work during a workweek without affecting the employee’s exempt status, provided that the employee’s primary duty, as defined under the FLSA (29 CFR 541 Subpart H), is exempt work.

The amount of time spent performing exempt work is a factor, but not necessarily the determinative factor, in deciding the FLSA classification of an employee. When an exempt employee is regularly assigned to perform nonexempt work for more than 50 percent of his or her workweek, the manager should inform the district Human Resources manager. Human Resources will contact the vice president of Employee Resource Management to request an FLSA status assessment.

434.143 Eligible for FLSA–Exempt EAS Additional Pay

FLSA special exempt employees in EAS–18 positions and below are eligible for EAS additional pay if authorized to work over 8.5 hours on a scheduled day or any hours on a nonscheduled day, even while on a temporary assignment such as to an OIC position. When authorized work exceeds 8.5 hours on a scheduled day, EAS additional pay is received for the first half hour as well as for the authorized work over 8.5 hours. Regular FLSA–exempt employees in EAS–23 positions and below positions except postmasters and officers–in–charge are eligible during the designated Christmas period provided they are authorized to work over 8.5 hours on a scheduled day or any hours on a nonscheduled day and the additional hours are spent directly supervising bargaining unit employees in mail processing or delivery functions.

434.2 Night Differential

434.21 Policy

Night differential is a premium that is paid to eligible employees for all work and paid training or travel time performed between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The following applies:

  1. Night differential is paid in addition to any other premiums earned by the employee (see 434.8).
  2. In no case can the total night differential hours exceed the total hours for the tour.
  3. Night differential does not apply if time between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. is due only to late clocking out or early clocking in (see 432.464).
434.22 Eligibility
434.221 Eligibility for Night Differential

Exhibit 434.2 shows the employees who are eligible to receive night differential.

Eligible employees who are regularly assigned to a night tour of duty are entitled to receive an equivalent amount of night differential when:

  1. Rescheduled to day work to participate in compensable training.
  2. On court leave.
  3. On military leave.
  4. In a continuation of pay (COP) status.
  5. Rescheduled to day work due to a compensable liability in lieu of placement in a COP status.
  6. On administrative leave (bargaining unit employees only).

Exhibit 434.2

Night Differential Pay Eligibility Table


Rate Schedule

Employee Classification

Full-time Regular

Part-time Regular

Part-time Flexible

Casual,* Temporary, and PM Relief

B — Rural Auxiliary











F — Postmasters (A–E)



G — Nurses




K — HQ Op. Services


L — Postmaster Replacement


M — Mail Handlers




N — Data Center



P — PS




Q — City Carriers




R — Rural Carriers





T — Tool and Die



Y — Postal Police



* Casual employees are covered in RS–E regardless of the bargaining unit they supplement.

1. Grades 23 and below only, excluding postmasters, officers in charge, postal inspectors, and employees in management development programs. Exempt employees are eligible only when their normal hours fall between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. During the designated Christmas period, however, FLSA–exempt employees who are eligible for additional pay are also eligible for night differential during paid overtime hours between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Night differential is not available on administrative leave.

434.222 Exempt Employees

Eligible exempt employees receive night differential only when part or all of their normal schedule falls within the specified parameters of this premium. Night differential is not payable when service performed is in addition to the normal service day or when the time worked entitles the employee to EAS additional pay. During the designated Christmas period, however, exempt employees who are eligible for EAS additional pay are also eligible for night differential during paid EAS additional pay hours between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

434.23 Pay Computation

Eligible employees receive a premium, in addition to their salary, for work performed between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Bargaining unit employees receive a fixed dollar amount specified in the applicable bargaining agreement. Nonbargaining employees receive an amount equal to 8 percent of their straight–time hourly rate.

434.3 Sunday Premium

434.31 Policy

Sunday premium is paid to eligible bargaining unit employees for all work and paid training or travel time performed during a scheduled tour that includes any part of a Sunday. EAS–23 and below nonbargaining employees receive Sunday premium only for time actually worked on Sunday, provided that the time is part of the employee’s regular schedule, or the time is eligible for FLSA–exempt additional pay (see Exhibit 434.3). Note that:

  1. An employee entitled to Sunday premium may also be entitled to other premiums for the same tour (see 434.8).
  2. Bargaining unit employees may not be credited with Sunday premium in excess of the hours worked per tour, of 8.00 hours per tour, or of 16 hours per service week.
  3. Sunday premium does not apply if Sunday time is due only to late clocking out or early clocking in (see 432.462 and 432.464b), to a temporary schedule change at the employee’s request, or to a temporary schedule initiated by management if the employee receives out–of–schedule premium or nonbargaining rescheduling for the Sunday time.
434.32 Eligibility

Exhibit 434.3 describes those employees who are eligible to receive Sunday premium. It is important to note that only those employees who have been scheduled to work on a Sunday are eligible to receive the premium. If the employee has not been scheduled, then he or she is not eligible for Sunday premium unless the time worked is eligible for FLSA–exempt additional pay.

Exhibit 434.3

Sunday Premium Pay Eligibility Table


434.33 Leave

If an employee is on leave for any part of the tour, he or she is not entitled to Sunday premium for the leave hours.

The exception is that Sunday premium will be continued while an eligible employee is in continuation of pay (COP) status, or is on military or court leave. An eligible employee also continues to receive the Sunday premium when the employee is rescheduled due to compensable disability in lieu of placement into COP status.

434.34 Pay Computation

Eligible employees receive Sunday premium, in addition to their basic salary, equal to 25 percent of their hourly straight time rate for each hour of work up to 8.00 hours, or in the case of nonbargaining employees, for each hour of work eligible for FLSA–exempt additional pay.

Note: Hours worked in excess of 8.00 paid hours on a Sunday by bargaining unit employees are paid as overtime pay, as provided in ELM 434.13.

434.4 Holiday Leave Pay

434.41 Policy
434.411 Holidays Observed

Provisions for holiday observance are as follows:

  1. The following 11 days are observed as holidays:
    1. New Year’s Day.
    2. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday.
    3. Washington’s Birthday (Presidents’ Day).
    4. Memorial Day.
    5. Juneteenth National Independence Day.
    6. Independence Day.
    7. Labor Day.
    8. Columbus Day.
    9. Veterans’ Day.
    10. Thanksgiving Day.
    11. Christmas Day.
  2. Variations in schedule for holiday observance are as follows:
    1. If a holiday falls on an eligible employee’s regular scheduled workday, including Saturday or Sunday, the employee observes the holiday on that day.
    2. If a holiday falls on an eligible employee’s scheduled nonworkday, the first scheduled day preceding the holiday is designated as the employee’s holiday except as provided in 434.411b3 and 434.421.
    3. If a holiday falls on a Sunday that is a nonscheduled workday for an eligible employee, Monday is designated as the employee’s holiday. However, if Monday is also a nonscheduled workday, then Saturday is designated as the employee’s holiday. For postal police officers, see the USPS–PPO Agreement.
    4. For all full-time postmasters, if a holiday falls on a Saturday that is a nonscheduled workday, the preceding Friday is designated as the postmaster’s holiday. Additional workhour allowances are authorized for those Post Offices without a senior supervisor to provide relief coverage during the postmaster’s absence on holiday leave, where necessary.
434.412 Application

On these holidays, eligible employees receive holiday leave pay for the number of hours equal to their regular daily work schedule, not to exceed 8 hours (see 434.421). This holiday pay is instead of other paid leave to which employees might otherwise be entitled on their holiday.

Eligible employees who work their holiday, at their option, may elect to have their annual leave balance credited with up to 8 hours of annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay (see 434.422). When this option is chosen, the deferred holiday leave pay is subject to all applicable rules for requesting and scheduling annual leave and is combined with annual leave and counted as annual leave for purposes of annual leave carryover (see 512.32).

Note: Holiday leave pay should not be confused with holiday–worked pay, holiday scheduling premium, or Christmas–worked pay (see 434.5).

434.42 Eligibility
434.421 Eligibility for Holiday Leave Pay

Eligibility is shown by category on the following chart:


To receive holiday leave pay, employees must be in a pay status either the last scheduled hour before or the first scheduled hour after the holiday or designated holiday.

However, for an employee on any form of extended LWOP, paid leave for the last scheduled hour before or the first scheduled hour after the holiday or designated holiday is not approved for the purpose of qualifying the employee for holiday pay.

434.422 Eligibility for Annual Leave in Lieu of Holiday Leave Pay

Categories of employees eligible for annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay are shown on the following chart:


434.43 Pay Computation for Holiday Leave Pay

Provisions concerning pay computation are as follows:

  1. Eligible employees are paid for the holiday at their basic hourly rate for those hours equal to their regular daily working schedule, not to exceed 8 hours. Eligible employees may elect to receive annual leave in lieu of holiday leave pay (see 434.412).
  2. Holiday leave pay is in lieu of other paid leave to which an employee might otherwise be entitled on the designated holiday.
  3. Holiday leave pay is payable in addition to compensation for hours actually worked on a designated holiday (see 434.5).
  4. Eligible full-time and part-time regular employees require no specific authorization to be absent from work on a holiday or a designated holiday, unless scheduled to work.
  5. A full-time or part-time regular employee who is scheduled to actually work on a holiday or on a designated holiday, but does not work, is placed in LWOP status and does not receive holiday leave pay, unless the absence is based on an extreme emergency situation and the absence is excused by the employee’s supervisor.
  6. Holiday leave paid to an employee who is on a COP status should be recorded as holiday leave and is counted as one of the 45 calendar days of COP for OWCP purposes.
  7. When a full-time employee has partially overcome a compensable disability and is working a partial schedule under the rehabilitation program, holiday leave is payable up to the number of hours in the partial schedule. The remainder of the holiday leave pay is received from OWCP.

434.5 Holiday–Worked Pay

434.51 Policy

Holiday–worked pay is paid to eligible employees for the hours worked on a recognized holiday or for the hours worked on the employee’s designated holiday, except Christmas. (See 434.4 for recognized holidays.)

Christmas–worked pay is paid to eligible employees for the hours worked on Christmas day or the day designated as the employee’s Christmas holiday.

434.52 Eligibility

Exhibit 434.52 indicates that employees are eligible to receive holiday–worked pay and Christmas–worked pay.

Part-time flexible employees receive Christmas–worked pay for up to 8 straight–time hours only if they work on December 25 (see 432.21c).

Exhibit 434.52 

Holiday–Worked Pay Eligibility Table


434.53 Pay Computation

Provisions concerning pay computation are as follows:

  1. Eligible employees who are required to work on their holiday or designated holiday are paid (in addition to any pay for holiday leave to which they may be entitled) their basic hourly straight time rate for each hour worked up to 8. Eligible FLSA special exempt employees are paid EAS additional pay for each authorized hour worked on their holiday or designated holiday.
  2. Eligible employees, excluding postmasters and officers in charge, who are required to work on Christmas day or their designated Christmas holiday are paid, in addition to authorized holiday leave pay (434.4) and holiday–worked pay, Christmas–worked pay at 50 percent of their basic hourly straight–time rate. Work performed beyond 8 hours is treated as overtime for bargaining unit employees. The Christmas–worked premium is not paid for overtime hours. Also Christmas–worked pay is not authorized during hours of overnight travel on a nonscheduled day (438.133).
  3. A holiday scheduling premium equal to 50 percent of the amount paid in 434.53a is paid to eligible employees for time actually worked on a holiday or on the employee’s designated holiday (except Christmas) when the holiday schedule is not posted in accordance with national agreements, as follows:
    1. If the schedule is not posted as of Tuesday preceding the service week in which the holiday falls, a full-time regular bargaining unit employee who is required to work on his or her holiday or designated holiday, or who volunteers to work on that day, receives holiday scheduling premium for each hour of work, not to exceed 8 hours. This premium is in addition to both holiday leave pay and holiday–worked pay.
    2. In the event that, subsequent to the Tuesday posting period, an emergency situation attributable to Act(s) of God arises that requires the use of manpower on that holiday in excess of that scheduled in the Tuesday posting, full-time regular employees who are required to work or who volunteer to work in this circumstance(s) do not receive holiday scheduling premium.
    3. When a full-time regular employee who is scheduled to work on a holiday is unable to or fails to work on the holiday, the supervisor may require another full-time regular employee to work the schedule, and the replacement employee is not eligible for holiday scheduling premium.
    4. Employees are not eligible for holiday scheduling premium while temporarily assigned to nonbargaining positions.
  4. For those eligible employees who receive TCOLA (439.1), Christmas–worked pay and the holiday scheduling premium are paid at 50 percent of the employee’s basic rate, plus TCOLA, in those workweeks when FLSA overtime is earned. In those workweeks when FLSA overtime is not earned, these premiums are calculated in accordance with 434.53b or 434.53c.

434.6 Out–of–Schedule Premium

434.61 Policy
434.611 General

Out–of–schedule premium is paid to eligible full-time bargaining unit employees for time worked outside of and instead of their regularly scheduled workday or workweek when employees work on a temporary schedule at the request of management.

434.612 Timely Notice

Payment of out–of–schedule premium is dependent on timely notice being given by management of the temporary schedule change, as follows:

  1. If notice of a temporary change is given to an employee by Wednesday of the preceding service week, even if this change is revised later, the employee’s time can be limited to the hours of the revised schedule, and out–of–schedule premium is paid for those hours worked outside of and instead of his or her regular schedule.
  2. If notice of a temporary schedule change is not given to the employee by Wednesday of the preceding service week, the employee is entitled to work his or her regular schedule. Therefore, any hours worked in addition to the employee’s regular schedule are not worked “instead of” his or her regular schedule. The additional hours worked are not considered as out–of–schedule premium hours. Instead, they are paid as overtime hours worked in excess of 8 hours per service day or 40 hours per service week.
434.613 Application

Out–of–schedule premium hours cannot exceed the unworked portion of the employee’s regular schedule. If employees work their full regular schedule, then any additional hours worked are not “instead of” their regular schedule and are not considered as out–of–schedule premium hours.

Any hours worked that result in paid hours in excess of 8 hours per service day or 40 hours per service week are to be recorded as overtime (see 434.1).

434.614 Examples

See Exhibit 434.614.

Example: An employee is notified by Wednesday of the preceding service week to work a temporary schedule the following service week from 6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., instead of his or her regular schedule from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The employee is paid 2 hours out–of–schedule premium for the hours worked from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 6 hours’ straight time for the hours worked from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If in this situation the employee continues to work into or beyond the balance of his or her regular schedule (2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.), then he or she is to be paid for hours worked in accordance with Exhibit 434.614.

Example: An employee’s regular schedule is Monday through Friday and he or she is given a temporary schedule of Sunday through Thursday. The hours worked on Sunday are out–of–schedule premium hours provided they are worked instead of the employee’s regularly scheduled hours on Friday. If, however, the employee also works his or her regular schedule on Friday, then there can be no out–of–schedule premium hours; the hours worked on Sunday would be paid as regular overtime hours worked in excess of 40 in the service week.

Exhibit 434.614 

Computing Out–of–Schedule Premium Hours


434.62 Eligibility
434.621 Eligibility for Out–of–Schedule Premium

Exhibit 434.621 indicates those employees who are eligible to receive out–of–schedule premium while working a qualifying temporary schedule within a bargaining unit or while detailed to a nonbargaining position (see exceptions in 434.622).

Exhibit 434.621 

Out–of–Schedule Premium Pay Eligibility Table


434.622 Exceptions

Eligible employees are not entitled to out–of–schedule premium under the following conditions:

  1. When detailed to a postmaster position as officer in charge.
  2. When detailed to a rural carrier position.
  3. When detailed to an ad hoc position, for which the employee applies and is selected, when the core responsibilities of the position require work on an irregular schedule.
  4. When detailed to either a bargaining unit or nonbargaining position in grade 19 and above.
  5. When attending a recognized training session that is a planned, prepared, and coordinated program or course.
  6. When assigned to light duty according to the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement or as required by the Federal Employee Compensation Act, as amended.
  7. When allowed to make up time missed due to tardiness in reporting for duty.
  8. When in accord with and permitted by the terms of a bid.
  9. When a request for a schedule change is made by the employee for personal reasons and is agreed to by the employee’s supervisor and shop steward or other collective bargaining representative.
  10. When the collective bargaining agreement that covers the employee states that employees detailed to nonbargaining unit positions are not entitled to out–of–schedule premium.
  11. When the assignment is made to accommodate a request for intermittent leave or a reduced work schedule for family care or serious health problem of the employee (see 515.6).
434.63 Pay Computation

Provisions concerning pay computation are as follows:

  1. Out–of–schedule premium is paid to eligible personnel in addition to the employee’s hourly rate and at 50 percent of the hourly rate for qualifying hours worked up to 8 hours in a service day or 40 hours in a service week.
  2. For those eligible employees who receive TCOLA (439.1), this premium is paid at 50 percent of the employee’s rate, plus TCOLA, in those workweeks when FLSA overtime is earned. In workweeks when FLSA overtime is not earned, this premium is calculated in accordance with 434.63a.
  3. All leave paid to an employee who is in an out–of–schedule status is paid at the employee’s straight time rate.

434.7 Nonbargaining Rescheduling Premium

434.71 Policy

Nonbargaining rescheduling premium is paid to eligible nonbargaining unit employees for time actually worked outside of and instead of their regularly scheduled workweek when less than 4 calendar days notice of the schedule change is given. It is not paid beyond the 4th calendar day after the notice of schedule change is given. Neither is it paid when the assignment is made to accommodate an employee’s request.

434.72 Eligibility

All nonexempt full-time nonbargaining unit employees grade 18 and below are eligible for nonbargaining rescheduling premium. Full-time nonexempt postmasters and officers in charge, however, are only eligible when their schedule is changed because their relief is not available to work the sixth day (see 432.34).

434.73 Pay Computation

Provisions concerning pay computation are as follows:

  1. Nonbargaining rescheduling premium is paid to eligible personnel in addition to the employee’s hourly rate and at 50 percent of the hourly rate for all actual workhours up to 8 hours in a service day or 32 hours in a service week.
  2. For those employees who receive TCOLA (see 439.1), this premium is paid at 50 percent of the employee’s rate, plus TCOLA, in those workweeks when FLSA overtime is earned. In those workweeks when FLSA overtime is not earned, this premium is calculated in accordance with 434.73a.

434.8 Pyramiding of Premiums

See Exhibit 434.8 for a decision table for situations when an employee may be eligible for more than one type of premium pay for the same hour of work.

Exhibit 434.8 

Pyramiding of Premiums