ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 682 Postal Service Representation at Organization Gatherings 682.1 Explanation The Postal Service recognizes the need for effective rapport with the p..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 682 Postal Service Representation at Organization Gatherings 682.1 Explanation The Postal Service recognizes the need for effective rapport with the p..." />

682 Postal Service Representation at Organization Gatherings

682.1 Explanation

The Postal Service recognizes the need for effective rapport with the postmasters’ and supervisors’ associations. Part 682 establishes policies and procedures for official Postal Service representation at meetings and conventions of the National Association of Postmasters of the United States (NAPUS), the National League of Postmasters of the United States (League), and the National Association of Postal Supervisors (NAPS). Any requested exceptions to these policies and procedures must be submitted in advance to the vice president of Labor Relations.

682.2 National Conventions

When Postal Service representation is requested by either the League, NAPUS, or NAPS for speakers at a national management association convention, the principal spokesperson will be a representative who is most familiar with the subject matter identified in the letter of invitation. Postal Service officers or PCES managers who are assigned to address national conventions may participate in the convention’s workshops, seminars, or other sessions where the subject matter is Postal Service policies, procedures, or operations. Coordination over who may appropriately address or attend management association conventions from Headquarters and Headquarters field units is within the exclusive purview and discretion of the vice president of Labor Relations. Coordination of speakers from the area or field level of the organization is within the purview of the vice president of Area Operations.

682.3 State Conventions and Other Management Association Conferences

682.31 General Policies

For a management association state convention or locally sponsored conference, the vice president of Labor Relations may designate an officer or PCES manager from Postal Service Headquarters to deliver remarks on behalf of the Postal Service. In addition, the appropriate vice president of Area Operations is encouraged to participate and has discretionary authority to designate one or more representatives from the area or appropriate district and to determine the extent of their participation in the state convention or locally sponsored conference.

682.32 Request Channels

Requests for area, Inspection Service, and field management representation at state conventions or locally sponsored management association conferences are coordinated through the vice president of Area Operations, who makes the final determination. The vice president of Labor Relations makes the final determination on all Headquarters and Headquarters field unit representatives who may address or attend state conventions or locally sponsored management association conferences.