ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 160 Monitoring and Assessment 161 Organizational Management System 161.1 Explanation The Organizational Management (OM) system is a computerized syste..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 160 Monitoring and Assessment 161 Organizational Management System 161.1 Explanation The Organizational Management (OM) system is a computerized syste..." />

160 Monitoring and Assessment

161 Organizational Management System

161.1 Explanation

The Organizational Management (OM) system is a computerized system that:

  1. Provides information reflecting actual organizational characteristics down to the smallest supervised unit in every Postal Service installation.
  2. Identifies the hierarchy of organizational units and authorized positions.
  3. Enables the comparison of the structural organization and staffing levels of similar facilities for the purpose of identifying inconsistencies.

161.2 Reports Generated

161.21 Authorized Staffing Organization Report

The Authorized Staffing Organization Report is a graphic display of the distribution of all authorized nonbargaining unit and selected bargaining unit positions within a manager’s span of control. The report displays the structural arrangement of an organizational unit (e.g., Postal Service facility, tour, and specialized unit) and provides the following data:

  1. Job title and occupation code.
  2. Pay schedule and grade or level for each position.
  3. Number of positions authorized for a given job title.
  4. Date of the last change to the organizational unit.
  5. Cost center code for the specified organizational unit.

Note: The cost center code is a 10-digit number consisting of a unit’s Finance Number and Unit ID.

161.22 Payroll Staffing Condition Report
161.221 Description

The Payroll Staffing Condition Report is a sequential printout of authorized nonbargaining unit positions and their incumbents generated by the web-based Complement Information System (webCOINS). The report shows all variances to approved staffing by comparing data from these two sources:

  1. The authorized and on-rolls complement of a unit (identified by cost center code and extracted from the OM system).
  2. Current payroll records.
161.222 Identifying Discrepancies

Discrepancies between the two sets of data can be readily identified. The report notes the following variances between authorized and on-rolls in the Variance column:

  1. Vacant positions (VAC).
  2. Over-complement positions (OVC).
  3. Non-authorized positions (NAU).
  4. Occupied positions (OCC).

161.3 Administrative Responsibility

161.31 Headquarters

Organizational Effectiveness establishes policies and procedures for the Organization Management system.

161.32 Districts

District Human Resources managers are responsible for verifying organizational and staffing information for all Postal Service facilities within their jurisdiction. If an OM change is required, the district must submit a request to the area for review and concurrence. If the area Human Resources managers concur, they submit a formal request to the vice president, ERM, for review and approval.

161.33 Areas

Area Human Resources managers are responsible for verifying organizational and staffing information for all Postal Service facilities within their jurisdiction, including the area office. If an OM change is required, they submit a formal request to the vice president, ERM, for review and approval.