ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 232 Using PS Form 820 232.1 Background 232.11 Purpose PS Form 820 is used to establish and review rankings of bargaining unit positions in the field a..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 232 Using PS Form 820 232.1 Background 232.11 Purpose PS Form 820 is used to establish and review rankings of bargaining unit positions in the field a..." />

232 Using PS Form 820

232.1 Background

232.11 Purpose

PS Form 820 is used to establish and review rankings of bargaining unit positions in the field and in certain area and Headquarters units. It serves to document requests for a new position or for changes to an existing one. In most cases, this form is not required because of the number of positions already in existence to which work can be matched.

232.12 Conditions

If a position’s duties and responsibilities change or a new position is needed, the Installation Head, functional manager, or designee must complete a PS Form 820 with assistance from Compensation.

Exception: If a position changes as a result of a national review of bargaining unit positions, Compensation completes the form.

232.2 Documentation Requirements

232.21 Preparing PS Form 820

Installation heads enter the following information on the form:

  1. Position to Be Ranked:
    1. Name of Office or Organization. Enter the name of the Post Office or other Postal Service installation where the position exists.
    2. Suggested Title of Position. Enter the title proposed for the position to be ranked.
    3. Recommended Salary Level. Enter the level from Part D on page 2.
    4. Date Submitted. Enter the date on which the PS Form 820 is submitted.
    5. Reason for This Request. Enter the reason for submitting the PS Form 820.
  2. Job Description:
    1. Basic Functions (Item B.1). Describe the position’s basic function in a concise statement that explains the position’s primary purpose. For example, “Makes general repairs on a variety of postal and building equipment on a tour when no other mechanics are present; performs clerical tasks related to the scheduling, control, and reporting of plant maintenance activities.” Do not attempt to describe the specific tasks associated with the position in Item B1; this information goes in Item C.
    2. Duties and Responsibilities (Item B.2). Enter the individual tasks performed in carrying out the basic function:
      1. Explain the tasks in detail sufficient to provide a clear understanding of the work, referring to the evaluation factors given in Part C. These include trade fields in which the work is performed, type of equipment worked on, commonly used hand and power tools, and nature and extent of repairs. Describe work conditions such as “in and around moving machinery,” “bench work,” or “outside work.”
      2. Explain responsibilities in terms of decisions. For example, “removes needed equipment from service for repair,” or “requests additional mechanical or supervisory assistance.”
      3. Note skills, knowledge, and/or experience necessary to accomplish the basic function efficiently, especially where the task description does not make these qualities readily apparent. Avoid listing an incumbent’s or applicant’s specific qualities, unless those qualities are clearly essential to the position.
      4. Note the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position that are beyond the scope of the basic function. Estimate the percentage of time devoted to the separate tasks. Also note tasks performed at intervals other than daily (e.g., quarterly, semiannually, annually).
      5. If the position is composed of a combination of tasks requiring materially different skills and knowledge, estimate the percentage of time to be devoted to each area.
      6. Avoid ambiguous terms like assists or processes. If such a term is used, specify the work tasks attached to that position feature.
    3. Organizational Relationships (Item B.3). Give the title and grade of the position’s immediate supervisor, and:
      1. If the immediate supervisor works a different tour than the incumbent, give the supervisor’s tour time.
      2. If the supervisor works in a different building, make a notation.
      3. Explain the nature and extent of:
        1. Instructions given to the incumbent before, during, and after task performance.
        2. Available guidelines and procedures directly applicable to the work.
        3. Review of the finished work.
      4. If more than one supervisor in the chain of command reviews finished work, make a notation.
  3. Evaluation:
    1. When choosing a position for comparison in item C.1, select a ranked position in the installation closely related in function to the position under analysis. If no closely related position exists, select one with similar work processes or other characteristics.
    2. Complete items C.2 and C.3.
    3. Rank factors in comparative, not absolute terms. For example, if neither position involves contact with the public, check “Public Relations Requirements” in item C.4 as “Approximately the Same.” Comparison reflects the evaluator’s best judgment, based on knowledge of both the comparison position and the position under review.
    4. Complete item C.5, as applicable.
  4. Recommendation: After completing Part C, recommend a position level (grade level), then sign and date the entry.
232.22 Action at Management Review Levels

Reviewing managers review the initiating office’s recommendations and take one of the following actions:

  1. If they do not concur with the initiating office’s recommendations, they return the unsigned PS Form 820 with a memorandum explaining reasons for disapproval.
  2. If they concur with the initiating office’s recommendations, they forward the request to the next higher management level for review, as appropriate.

232.3 Action by Districts

District Human Resources managers take one of the following courses of action:

  1. If the job can be matched to an existing key or standard position, they forward the PS Form 820 signed and dated, to the area Human Resources manager for review.
  2. If the job cannot be matched to an existing key or standard position, they forward the PS Form 820 with Part C left blank to the area Human Resources manager for review.

232.4 Action by Areas

Area Human Resources managers take one of the following courses of action:

  1. If they do not concur with the district’s conclusions, the manager returns the PS Form 820 to the initiating office, along with a memorandum stating the reasons for nonconcurrence, and sends a copy of PS Form 820 to the district Human Resources manager.
  2. If they concur with the district’s conclusions, the manager forwards the PS Form 820 to Organizational Effectiveness for review.

232.5 Action by Compensation

Compensation takes one of the following courses of action:

  1. If Compensation does not concur with the area’s conclusions, it returns the PS Form 820 to the area with a memorandum stating the reasons for non-concurrence.
  2. If Compensation concurs, it takes the following steps:
    1. Evaluates the job against an existing key or standard position, then either:
      1. Revises an existing standard position; or
      2. Establishes a new standard position.
    2. After completing the job evaluation, Compensation forwards the new or revised job description to Labor Relations for review, craft determination, and any further action required under terms of the applicable national agreement.
    3. After final approval, Compensation sends a formal response to the area Human Resources manager that includes steps for implementation.