ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 720 Training and Development Responsibilities and Functions 721 Organizational Responsibilities and Functions 721.1 Headquarters The chief Human Resou..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 720 Training and Development Responsibilities and Functions 721 Organizational Responsibilities and Functions 721.1 Headquarters The chief Human Resou..." />

720 Training and Development Responsibilities and Functions

721 Organizational Responsibilities and Functions

721.1 Headquarters

The chief Human Resources officer (CHRO) is responsible for Postal Service training and development systems. This responsibility includes:

  1. Analyzing training requests and designing, developing, validating, delivering, and evaluating national Postal Service training and development programs.
  2. Developing policies, including pay practices, which are applicable to structured employee development programs for specific populations or functional groups, such as career-ladder programs and management, professional, and specialist training programs.
  3. Providing information on specific occupations to craft and other employees for career planning and decision-making purposes.
  4. Analyzing the career needs of specific populations to design and provide programs tailored to improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  5. Facilitating between Headquarters and field-training professionals.
  6. Standardizing and supporting the LDDC physical and technological infrastructure.
  7. Providing corporate leadership programs for managers and executives.
  8. Providing tuition reimbursement.
  9. Supporting Corporate Succession Planning (CSP) and Executive and Administrative Schedule (EAS) Leadership Development programs for the organization.
  10. Providing Individual Development Planning (IDP) processes.

721.2 Areas

The area Human Resources function is responsible for administering training and development policies and for training area personnel. These responsibilities include:

  1. Supervising the development and implementation of an area training and development planning system.
  2. Facilitating the flow of information and recommendations between Headquarters and the districts about existing training and development policy, efforts, and future needs.
  3. Strengthening the ability of district training and development professionals to:
    1. Understand policy and contribute to policy development.
    2. Administer national programs.
    3. Respond to local needs.
  4. Monitoring districts’ compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity laws by ensuring that talented individuals are being developed in a fair and equitable manner without regard to:
    1. Race, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity, including transgender status), national origin, religion, age (40 or over), genetic information, disability, or retaliation for engaging in EEO-protected activity as provided by law; or
    2. Other non-meritorious factors, such as political affiliation; marital status; status as a parent; and past, present, or future military service.
  5. Monitoring districts’ compliance to placing special emphasis on providing training opportunities to employees with targeted disabilities.
  6. Increasing management commitment to training and development and to improving the work environment.

721.3 Districts

District managers, plant managers, and other installation heads are responsible for their employees’ training and development and for ensuring that it is consistent with corporate business goals and strategic plans. District training responsibilities and functions include:

  1. Establishing training and development units within national guidelines.
  2. Implementing training and development staffing criteria within national guidelines.
  3. Establishing and implementing training and development space allocations according to Handbook AS-504, Space Requirements.
  4. Ensuring that the objective, length, and content of national training courses taught locally are not changed without the prior approval of Learning and Development at Headquarters.
  5. Making certain that employees use electronic training databases appropriately.
  6. Monitoring training to ensure that it complies with national training and development policies.
  7. Establishing and implementing other measures to ensure that employee training and development meet the organization’s requirements.
  8. Coordinating district training requirements with Learning and Development at Headquarters.
  9. Developing, or acquiring, and coordinating, or delivering district training in accordance with established guidelines.
  10. Ensuring that talented individuals are being developed in a fair and equitable manner without regard to:
    1. Race, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity, including transgender status), national origin, religion, age (40 or over), genetic information, disability, or retaliation for engaging in EEO-protected activity as provided by law; or
    2. Other non-meritorious factors, such as political affiliation; marital status; status as a parent; and past, present, or future military service.
  11. Placing special emphasis on providing training opportunities to employees with targeted disabilities.

721.4 Supervisors and Managers

Supervisors and managers are responsible and accountable for:

  1. Ensuring that employees under their supervision are trained in a timely manner to perform their assigned job tasks.
  2. Identifying employees’ needs for improvement in their present jobs.
  3. Planning for their employees’ training, in coordination with training systems available for their facilities.
  4. Following up after employees complete formal job training to ensure that they use newly acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities optimally and appropriately.
  5. Identifying and providing other training to meet the organization’s and individual employees’ needs.
  6. Evaluating and supporting as appropriate employee requests to participate in self-development training opportunities.
  7. Providing employees with information and guidance on career growth.
  8. Documenting the outcomes and expectations of providing training, including the return on investment.

721.5 Employees

Employees are responsible for:

  1. Making effective use of training opportunities that management provides.
  2. Consulting with their supervisors and pursuing personal career goals to guide their own growth and development.
  3. Continuing throughout their careers to learn and improve their knowledge, skills, and abilities while sharing what they have learned with other employees.