533 Cost, Payment, Withholdings

533.1 Basic Insurance Cost

The Postal Service assumes the full cost of basic insurance for all eligible employees (except postal inspectors and Inspector General employees).

533.2 Optional Insurance

533.21 Cost

The cost of the three forms of optional insurance depends on the employee’s age. The entire cost is paid by the employee and is withheld from pay as determined by OPM. (See 533.22.)

533.22 Withholdings
533.221 Option A — Standard

Rates for $10,000 of coverage:


Your Age Group



Under 35



35 through 39



40 through 44



45 through 49



50 through 54



55 through 59



60 through 64



65 through 69



70 and over



533.222 Option B — Additional

Rates per $1,000 of coverage:


Your Age Group



Under 35



35 through 39



40 through 44



45 through 49



50 through 54



55 through 59



60 through 64



65 through 69



70 and over



533.223 Option C — Family

Withholding per multiple:


Your Age Group



Under 35



35 through 39



40 through 44



45 through 49



50 through 54



55 through 59



60 through 64



65 through 69



70 and over



533.224 Birthdays and Pay Periods

For optional insurance purposes, an employee attains age 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, or 60 on the first day of the first pay period following the pay period in which the birthday occurs.

533.225 Insufficient Pay to Cover Optional Insurance Withholdings

The following provisions apply:

  1. Termination of Insurance. Employees who become ineligible for optional insurance have their coverage terminated at the end of the pay period in which the employing office determines that the employee’s periodic pay, after all deductions, is insufficient to cover the full cost of the optional insurance. This determination is made when it is expected that, during the next 6 months, the employee’s regular pay (after other deductions) will be insufficient to provide the total required withholdings for the optional insurance for at least 50 percent of the pay periods.
  2. Canceling Nonmandatory Deductions. Employees may cancel or reduce other nonmandatory deductions from pay in order to increase their net pay to provide the total required withholdings for the optional insurance.