ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 722 Learning Development and Diversity Center – Organization and Operations 722.1 Purpose The LDDC includes district field units that provide area-wid..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 722 Learning Development and Diversity Center – Organization and Operations 722.1 Purpose The LDDC includes district field units that provide area-wid..." />

722 Learning Development and Diversity Center – Organization and Operations

722.1 Purpose

The LDDC includes district field units that provide area-wide training and development support services to all Postal Service employees. The primary mission of the LDDC is to foster improved employee job performance and to provide guidance to help employees pursue career growth and self-development goals.

722.2 LDDC Network Operating Procedures

722.21 Geographic Area of Responsibility

District Human Resources managers ensure that all field Postal Service facilities within a geographic area and performance cluster are the responsibility of a specific LDDC office. This includes Postal Service facilities with unique purposes, such as Headquarters field units.

722.22 LDDC Reporting Relationships

LDDC reporting relationships are as follows:

  1. The area Learning Development and Diversity specialist (LDDS) serves as a liaison with Headquarters staff for the district MLDD. Both the LDDS and MLDD interact periodically with HQ Learning and Development staff.
  2. The MLDD reports directly to the district Human Resources manager.
  3. The Human Resources specialist assigned to the training function at the district level reports functionally and administratively to the MLDD.
722.23 Facilities

The following guidelines apply to allocating facility space at LDDC offices:

  1. District Human Resources managers are authorized to establish and abolish LDDC facilities and to determine their number and locations within their districts.
  2. Changes that are made in the LDDC network must be communicated to Headquarters so that records and distribution lists can be revised in a timely manner.
  3. Handbook AS-504, Space Requirements, specifies space allocations for LDDC facilities.
  4. Districts may establish space for training at non-LDDC sites as required to satisfy intermittent, small-scale training requirements when it is not cost effective to conduct training in an LDDC office.
722.24 Reviews

Headquarters may conduct periodic reviews of LDDC locations. Area or district leadership will select members of the review team.