Each Postal Service facility with more than 10 employees on the rolls must maintain an emergency action plan (EAP) in writing. If there are 10 or fewer employees, the plan may be communicated verbally. Safety personnel and/or collateral duty facility safety coordinators (FSCs) may provide advice and technical assistance, where needed, in the development of such plans. The plan must include actions specifically designated for management and for employees to take to ensure employee safety and protection of property from fire and other emergencies (e.g., tornadoes, earthquakes, and hazardous materials (HAZMAT) spills). Management Instruction EL-810-2006-3, Response to Hazardous Materials Release, provides guidelines for setting up standard operating procedures (SOPs) for releases and describes the relationship of the SOP to the EAP.
The EAP must include the following items (at a minimum):
- Procedures for emergency evacuation, including:
- The type of evacuation, exit routes, and illustrations of those routes;
- Shelters; and
- Location of fire alarms and extinguishers.
- Shelter in place procedures must also be documented, if applicable.
- Procedures for employees who remain to operate or shut down critical building systems before they evacuate.
- Procedures to account for all employees after emergency evacuations (or shelter in place) have been completed.
- Procedures and details for special assignments.
- Procedures for reporting fires and other emergencies based on local requirements.
- Job titles or names of persons or departments who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan.
Post items a and f (listed in 852.2) of the EAP in a prominent location.