ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 355 Light Duty Assignments 355.1 Voluntary Requests 355.11 Circumstances Any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee recuperating from a seri..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 355 Light Duty Assignments 355.1 Voluntary Requests 355.11 Circumstances Any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee recuperating from a seri..." />

355 Light Duty Assignments

355.1 Voluntary Requests

355.11 Circumstances

Any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee recuperating from a serious illness or injury and temporarily unable to perform the assigned duties may voluntarily submit a written request to the installation head for temporary assignment to a light duty assignment.

Any ill or injured full-time regular or part-time flexible employee having a minimum of 5 years of postal service, or any full-time regular or part-time flexible employee who sustained injury on duty while performing the assigned duties, regardless of years of service, can submit a voluntary request to the installation head for permanent reassignment to a light duty assignment.

355.12 Method

Voluntary requests are made in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreement.

355.13 Response

The light duty provisions of the various collective bargaining agreements between the Postal Service and the postal unions require that installation heads show the greatest consideration for full-time regular or part-time flexible employees requiring light duty or other assignments, giving each request careful attention, and reassign such employees to the extent possible in the employee’s office.

355.14 No Guarantee

The light duty provisions of the various collective bargaining agreements between the U.S. Postal Service and the postal unions do not guarantee any employee who is on a light duty assignment any number of hours of work per day or per week.