ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 752 Policy The Postal Service encourages employees to join and participate in recognized professional associations in a manner that is consistent with..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 752 Policy The Postal Service encourages employees to join and participate in recognized professional associations in a manner that is consistent with..." />

752 Policy

The Postal Service encourages employees to join and participate in recognized professional associations in a manner that is consistent with prioritizing the duties and responsibilities of their positions. Active participation can be a valuable experience, both in improving employees’ performance in their present positions and in preparing them for greater responsibility in the profession. Through conferences, symposia, and committee assignments, employees are able to expand their expertise.

Incentive for exemplary work performance can result from employee recognition gained through the employee publishing journal articles, receiving awards for professional achievement, holding office in recognized professional associations, and speaking or presenting papers at association meetings. Professional recognition of Postal Service employees for their competence also increases public confidence in the Postal Service.

The following rules apply:

  1. Employees may not receive compensation from any source other than the government for teaching, speaking, or writing that relates to the employee’s official duties.
  2. Employees engaged in teaching, speaking, or writing as outside employment or as an outside activity must not use or permit the use of their official Postal Service title or position to identify them in connection with their teaching, speaking, or writing activity or to promote any book, seminar, course, program, or similar undertaking, except as approved by a Postal Service ethics official.
  3. Although general membership and participation in outside professional associations may be appropriate, federal law does not permit employees to sit on an outside board in their official Postal Service capacity or to participate in any outside activity that conflicts with their official duties unless they have received prior authorization from the general counsel.