ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 893 Program Elements 893.1 Management Commitment Management, at all levels including first-line supervision, will provide leadership and adequate reso..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 893 Program Elements 893.1 Management Commitment Management, at all levels including first-line supervision, will provide leadership and adequate reso..." />

893 Program Elements

893.1 Management Commitment

Management, at all levels including first-line supervision, will provide leadership and adequate resources to establish and satisfy compliance expectations. The Postal Service will utilize a team approach with management as the team leader. Just as the line organization is responsible for attaining production levels, ensuring quality of performance, maintaining good employee relations, and operating within cost and budget guidelines, management must likewise demonstrate their commitment and involvement in the ergonomics program (see 811.24).

Management is accountable for the overall performance of the ergonomics program, compliance mandates, and management responsibilities. Overall performance will be accounted for through monitoring of MSD rates as a subset of OSHA Injury and Illness rates.

893.2 Employee Involvement

The Postal Service encourages employee involvement in the ergonomics program and in decisions that affect worker safety and health. This is done by providing opportunities to communicate to them directly or individually, and possibly through participation with the unions to establish ergonomic efforts as needed in accordance with the applicable collective bargaining agreements. Employee involvement will be used to assist with identifying MSD hazards or MSD risk factor exposure (worksite analysis); to recommend method improvements (hazard prevention and control); and to suggest MSD reporting procedures. Employee participation will support the effort to reduce MSD injuries and Illnesses from occurring in our facilities.

893.3 Worksite Analysis

Worksite analysis identifies existing MSD hazards or risk factor exposure in operations and related processing and delivery operations. Equipment condition, configuration, and adherence to proper work methods will be monitored and modifications will be made as necessary. In addition, worksite analysis will include close scrutiny and tracking of injury and illness data records to assist in identifying MSD hazards.

893.4 Hazard Prevention and Control

MSD hazards and risk factor exposure are prevented primarily by effective design of the equipment and job tasks. The ergonomics program uses the following to eliminate or reduce identified hazards and risk factors:

  1. Appropriate engineering controls,
  2. Administrative controls,
  3. Work practice controls, and
  4. Personal protective equipment.

Control measures are evaluated to determine if additional modifications are needed.

893.5 Training and Education

Ergonomics training and education will be available, through the Learning Management System (LMS), to ensure that employees at all levels are sufficiently informed to:

  1. Successfully fulfill functional job requirements,
  2. Actively participate in reducing ergonomic risk factors, and
  3. Perform recommended work practices.

Ergonomics refresher training will be provided and updated as needed.

893.6 Program Review and Evaluation

Methods and procedures have been developed to evaluate the ergonomics program and to monitor its progress. Management conducts regular reviews to evaluate the program’s level of success in meeting its purpose.