ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Compensation Job Evaluation Position Evaluations — Files on Nonbargaining Positions. Record copy. Arrangement: Case files, by occupation code. Descrip..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Compensation Job Evaluation Position Evaluations — Files on Nonbargaining Positions. Record copy. Arrangement: Case files, by occupation code. Descrip..." />


Job Evaluation

  1. Position Evaluations — Files on Nonbargaining Positions.
    1. Record copy.
    2. Arrangement: Case files, by occupation code.

      Description: Position evaluations and descriptions of established positions including job title, series, grade, duties, and responsibilities. Requests for reviews (PS 6802), letters of appeal, letters from management, worksheets, decision letters, and fact sheets from USPS and from associations representing postmasters and supervisors.

      Move to an inactive file when position is abolished. Cut off this file each calendar year; transfer to FRC when 2 years old; dispose of 10 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Incumbency data — reports on nonbargaining positions.
    4. Arrangement: Numerically, by occupation code sequence.

      Description: Statistical survey and listing of individuals in job descriptions by occupation code sequence. Reports are issued bimonthly.

      Dispose of when superseded.


  2. Position Evaluations and Related Files — Bargaining Positions (Employees covered by a formal bargaining agreement).
  3. Record copy of position descriptions. Files describing established positions including title, series, grade, duties, occupation codes, responsibilities of incumbents, reference materials used to develop position descriptions, correspondence on bargaining positions utilization and authorization, reports such as master occupation code lists, job evaluation information and statistical surveys.

    Move to an inactive file when position is abolished or description is superseded. Cut off this file each calendar year; transfer to FRC when 5 years old; dispose of 10 years from date of cutoff.



  1. Wage and Salary Administration Records — Pay Consultations with Management Organizations.
  2. Description: All background information, wage comparability data, correspondence, data requested by and furnished to management organizations, and pay package decisions and articles issued.

    Cut off these files upon termination of the Agreement to which they pertain; dispose of 50 years from date of cutoff.


  3. Unemployment Compensation.
    1. Claims Files.
    2. Arrangement: Chronologically, by date of action.

      Description: Wage and separation information from USPS and correspondence from state unemployment agencies.

      Use: To verify employment and unemployment in order to determine compensation. If appealed, this becomes the appeals file.

      Sample Form: PS 6803.

      Move to a closed file upon award or denial of compensation or expiration of appeal date. Cut off this file each accounting period; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Appeals Files.
    4. Arrangement: Case files, alphabetically, by name of claimant.

      Description: Forms and correspondence from state agencies, to include notices of appeals hearing, copies of transcripts, decision letters, evidence, court orders, through all levels of appeals.

      Use: To defend the Postal Service position in unemployment compensation appeals.

      Sample Form: PS 6803.

      Move to a closed file upon final determination or expiration of appeal date; dispose of 6 years, 3 months from date of cutoff.


  4. Uniform Program Records.
  5. Description: Correspondence and other information pertaining to the USPS Uniform Program.

    1. Special correspondence dealing with items of uniform equipment, arranged by equipment.
    2. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 2 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Complete set of published uniform specifications: USPS quality control standards, arranged in numerical sequence. (The history of USPS uniform items is presently retained at Natick Laboratories, Department of the Army, U.S. Army Research and Development Command, Natick, MA 01760–5000.)
    4. Dispose of when superseded or no longer needed for reference.


    5. Uniform vendor files consisting of vendors’ applications, copies of signed code of ethics, and related records.
    6. Move to an inactive file upon terminating vendor and USPS association. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 1 year from date of cutoff.


  6. Uniform Allowance Payment Records (050.040).
    1. District accounting office copies.
    2. Arrangement: By pay period. No other sortation required.

      Description: Batches of invoices submitted by uniform vendors requesting payment for uniform items supplied to postal employees eligible for uniform allowances.


      Cut off the file at the end of each calendar year; dispose of two (2) years from the date of cutoff.

    3. Post office case files.
    4. Arrangement: Alphabetically by employee last name. Move to an inactive file when problem is resolved.

      Description: Correspondence, copies of bills and invoices, and related papers resulting from post office research of employee problems or questions regarding the Uniform Allowance Program.

      Cut off the inactive file at the end of the calendar year; dispose of two (2) years from the date of cutoff.
