ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Health and Employee Services Safety Reports and Records (Headquarters — Safety Performance Management) Arrangement: Headquarters, Area, Cluster, Distr..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Health and Employee Services Safety Reports and Records (Headquarters — Safety Performance Management) Arrangement: Headquarters, Area, Cluster, Distr..." />

Health and Employee Services


  1. Reports and Records (Headquarters — Safety Performance Management)
  2. Arrangement: Headquarters, Area, Cluster, District, Plant, local; by accounting period, month, or annually.

    Description: PS Form 1769; OSHA Form 300, Log of Work–Related Injuries and Illnesses; OSHA Form 300A, Summary of Work–Related Injuries and Illnesses; and OSHA Form 301, Injury and Illness Incident Report.

    Use: Meet statutory and internal recordkeeping requirements

    Cut off this file each calendar year; transfer to FRC 3 years after cutoff; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.

    N1–28–86–2/33 (Replaces NC1–28–83–2/11)

  3. PS Form 1769, Accident Report (ELRIC)
  4. Description: PS Form 1769 is completed by the supervisor and sent to the supporting Safety Office for entry into the Human Resources Information System (HRIS).

    Use: To enter accident data into Postal Service Accident Reporting System.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; transfer to FRC 3 years from date of cutoff; and dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.


  5. Accident Report Records (Local)
  6. Arrangement: Chronologically by installation or name of injured employee.

    Description: Records pertaining to local accidents. These reports pertain to all types of accidents, including fire, motor vehicles, customer on property, and industrial.

    Use: To meet statutory requirements under OSHA 1904. Also used to access and analyze accident trends and accident cost.

    Sample Forms: PS Form 1769 and OSHA 301.

    Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.


  7. Fatality/Serious Accident Investigative Boards and Reports
  8. Arrangement: Chronologically by installation or name of injured employee.

    Description: Investigations of fatalities and serious accidents, which include findings, reviews of actions taken, and recommendations.

    Use: Accident investigation and prevention.

    Cut off this file each fiscal year; transfer to FRC when 3 years old; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.

    N1–28–86–2/35 (Replaces NC1–28–83–2/12)

  9. Vehicle Accident Investigation and Tort Claims Records (Maintained by Tort Claims Administration)
  10. Arrangement: Case files, numerically, by accident case number, by fiscal year.

    1. Case files.
    2. Description: Records that result from a claim being filed that alleges personal injury or damage that exceeds $10. Also consists of driver’s accident report, investigation worksheet, statements of witnesses, analyst report, correspondence, summary of claims, examiner’s report showing disapproval or award of damages.

      Use: For investigation, adjudication, and litigation.

      Sample Forms: SF 91, 94, and 95; PS 1700, 1769, 1902, 2106, 2198, 4523, 4570, and 4586.

      Move to a closed accident investigation case file upon award or disapproval. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Other vehicle accident case files.
    4. Description: Where damages are under $10.00, where no claim is filed, or where there is no damage or injury.

      Cut off the file each fiscal year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.


  11. Safety Program Evaluation Records, Inspection Checklists, and Other Administrative Papers
  12. Arrangement: Program evaluation records in terms of data and reports are maintained in the Safety Toolkit database. Safety personnel enter program evaluation findings into the Safety Toolkit application. Chronologically by date.

    Description: Facility program evaluation data is provided in a variety of report formats in the Safety Toolkit. Reports focus on implementation and performance of facility safety and health programs in seven major categories and 24 subcategories. Inspection reports on deficiencies, safety hazards, and other types of safety inspections, including any logs.

    Use: To determine safety program performance, identify program elements that need improvement, and suggest alternatives for improvement, program effectiveness, and detecting potential causes of accidents.

    Sample Forms: Program evaluation checklists available electronically in the Safety Toolkit or from the Safety Resources Page. PS Forms 1767 and 1773.

    Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.


  13. Safety and Health Inspections Records
  14. Arrangement: Safety and Health inspection records in terms of data and reports are maintained in the Safety Toolkit database. Safety personnel enter inspection findings into the Inspections Module of the Safety Toolkit application.

    Description: The Safety Toolkit Inspections Module provides a wide variety of reports on the identification of deficiencies (safety hazards), provides timelines for hazard abatement, and enables responsible personnel to track and verify the status of hazard abatement activities.

    Use: To identify safety and health deficiencies in facilities and track the correction of these deficiencies.

    Sample Forms: Safety and Health inspection checklists are available electronically in the Safety Toolkit and from the Safety Resources Page.

    Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.

  15. Employee Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition or Practice
  16. Arrangement: Employee reports are entered in the Safety Toolkit Hazard Log Module or maintained chronologically in hard copy at Postal Service facilities.

    Description: The Safety Toolkit Hazard Log Module provides a variety of reports based upon the data entered in response to employee reports of hazards. Facilities that do not use the Safety Toolkit maintain copies of PS Form 1767 and report summary data on PS Form 1773, Hazard Log.

    Use: To provide a mechanism for employees to report workplace hazards and for management to track and ensure abatement of the hazards reported.

    Sample Forms: PS Forms 1767 and 1773.

    Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.


  17. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Inspection Reports and Letters Concerning Corrections of Violations
  18. Arrangement: Chronologically by citation or complaint number. Files are maintained at the supporting District/PC Safety Office and Legal Office.

    Description: OSHA citations, employee complaint letters referred by OSHA to the Postal Service, supporting documents, and all correspondence of a legal nature between the Postal Service and OSHA. Letters concerning corrections of violations, copies of hazard correction lists, notices of unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, complaints, findings, names of persons participating, notes, and other documentation.

    Sample Form: OSHA–2H.

    Use: To document compliance with OSHA procedures and to document abatement of hazards identified in citations and employee complaints referred to the Postal Service by OSHA. Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.


  19. Accident Analyses and Studies
  20. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Studies, other statistical reports, and analyses.

    Use: To study accident trends, make comparisons, identify, and correct accident causes.

    Sample Form: None

    Move to a closed file when study or analysis is complete. Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.


  21. Mail Piece Spill or Leak Incident Reports, PS Form 1770
  22. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Information describing the type of incident, packaging, and damage assessment.

    1. Local offices.
    2. Sample Form: PS Form 1770 (original).


    3. Headquarters (Aviation Mail Security, Safety Performance Management, and Environmental Management Policy).
    4. Use: To develop incident statistics and trends.

      Sample Form: PS Form 1770 (copies).


    5. Local Inspector–in–Charge.
    6. Use: For necessary follow–up action on incidents.

      Sample Form: PS Form 1770 (copy).


      Cut off the file at end of each fiscal year; dispose of 6 years from date of cutoff.

  23. Safety Inspection Reports by the Postal Service Office of Inspector General (OIG), Inspection Service, or the Government Accountability Office (GAO)
  24. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Reports of inspections of the Postal Service Safety Program and Postal Service facilities by the Postal Service OIG, OSHA, GAO, the Postal Service Inspection Service, or the safety staff.

    Use: As a basis for evaluation of and improvement of the Postal Service Safety Program.

    Cut off the file each fiscal year; dispose of 3 years from the date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.


  1. Employee Exposure Records (Air Sampling Surveys in Facilities).
  2. Description: Analyses of employee exposure records and surveys and records of environmental monitoring of the facility. These records relate to facility air sampling/monitoring and do not contain individually identifiable employee records.

    Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 30 years from the date of cutoff.


  3. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) History Record Card.
  4. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by client’s name.

    Description: Client information found on PS 2545.

    Use: To track status, study history, and to establish and update individual records.

    1. History Record Card (120.140).
    2. Move to a closed file when case is closed. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 25 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.

      N1–28–88–1/10 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/38a
      and NC1–28–79–4/40)

    3. History Record Card (ELRIC copy).
    4. Arrangement: Chronologically, by date of entry (daily batch method).

      Dispose of after second reporting cycle.

      N1–28–88–1/11 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/38b)

  5. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Correspondence and Reports.
  6. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by installation.

    Description: General correspondence and reports, such as the Accounting Period Activity Report.

    Use: For administering the EAP Program.

    Sample Form: PS 2546.

    Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.

    N1–28–88–1/8 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/39a
    and NC1–28–79–4/39b)

  7. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Case Number Assignment Sheets.
  8. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Master sheets for the assignment of case numbers, and other personnel data for control and tracking.

    1. Master file.
    2. Move to a file of completed assignment sheets when last entry is made. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 25 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.

      N1–28–88–1/12 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/41)

    3. Daily log.
    4. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of when 1 year old.


  9. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Case Files (120.140).
  10. Arrangement: Case files, alphabetically, by client last name.

    Description: Referrals and other correspondence, quarterly evaluation worksheet, participation agreement, disciplinary action, and case history.

    Use: To monitor client participation and progress.

    Sample Forms: PS Forms 2545 (front page), 2588, 2592, 2597, 1267.

    1. Client case files records of deceased persons.
    2. Remove from active file upon death of client. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 1 year from date of cutoff.

      N1–28–88–1/14 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/42a)

    3. Persons successfully completing the program.
    4. Move to a completed file upon completion of program. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.

      N1–28–88–1/6 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/42b)

    5. Persons dropped from the program for reasons of termination of employment, retirement, or transfer.
    6. Move to an inactive file upon termination, retirement, or transfer. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.

      N1–28–88–1/7 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/42c)

Injured on Duty

  1. Employee Injury — Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) Case Files (120.098).
  2. Arrangement: Case files, alphabetically, by last name of employee.

    Description: Copies of Department of Labor forms, medical information, claims, and other supporting documentation to include correspondence, payment, and accounting records.

    Use: To provide benefits and a record for audit and review.

    Sample Forms: CA 1, 2, 2a, 3, 4, 5, 5b, 6, 7/20, 8/20, 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 35A-35G; OWCP 1500; PS 202, 2490, 2491, 2556, 2557, 2559, 2560, 2562, 2572, 2572A, 2573, and 2577.

    Move to an inactive file when employee leaves the Postal Service. Cut off this file each calendar year; transfer to FRC when 5 years old; dispose of 30 years from date of cutoff.

    NC1–28–83–3/1 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/59)

  3. Health Benefits Refund Records.
  4. Description: Quarterly claims from post offices showing individual injury compensation and health benefits premiums deducted by OWCP at the federal rate. Printouts generated from information supplied on PS Form 202 are filed to provide information by finance number, list of people paid for the quarter, payment amount, and address of payee.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 10 years from date of cutoff or termination of the program, whichever is sooner. Do not transfer to FRC.


Employee Communications

  1. Standards of Conduct Files.
  2. Description: Correspondence, memorandums, and other records relating to codes of ethics and standards of conduct.

    Dispose of when obsolete or superseded.


Suggestions and Incentive Awards

  1. Employee Suggestion Program Files (120.050).
  2. Arrangement: Case files, by suggesters’ names, or by suggestion number.

    Description: Suggestion forms, evaluations, and other related papers such as administrative reviews and evidence of any payments made.

    Use: To monitor the performance of certain adopted measures or modifications.

    1. Adopted suggestions.
      1. Record copies.
      2. Move to a closed file upon adoption or approval. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 4 years from date of cutoff.


      3. All other copies.
      4. Move to a closed file upon adoption or approval. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 2 years from date of cutoff.


    2. Disapproved suggestions.
    3. Move to a disapproved file upon disapproval. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 2 years from date of cutoff.


  3. Incentive Award Files.
  4. Arrangement: Case files, chronologically within region, by award type or name.

    Description: Recommendations, nominations, evidence of any payments made, and related correspondence.

    Move to a closed file upon approval or disapproval. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 4 years from date of cutoff.


  5. Incentive Award Program Reports.
  6. Description: Statistical reports pertaining to the operation of the Incentive Awards Program.

    Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 3 years from the date of cutoff.


  7. Length of Service Awards Files (120.100).
  8. Description: Correspondence, memorandums, reports, computations of service, and lists.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 1 year from date of cutoff.


  9. Postal Career Executive Service (PCES) Awards and Statistics (120.100).
    1. Special achievement award records.
    2. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by employee name.

      Description: Annual special achievement awards documentation for headquarters and field PCES personnel.

      Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Special achievement awards statistics.
    4. Description: Statistical reports, other summaries, and Postal Leader articles pertaining to the PCES Achievement Award program.

      Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 10 years from date of cutoff.


    5. Minority statistics.
    6. Arrangement: Chronologically.

      Description: Quarters 1–4 Minority Statistical report on PCES personnel including numbers, percentages, and reassignment statistics.

      1. Quarters 1–4.
      2. Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.


      3. Printouts.
      4. Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 5 years after cutoff.


  10. Non–USPS Awards.
  11. Arrangement: Case files by award name or sponsor.

    Description: Correspondence or memorandums pertaining to awards from other government agencies or private organizations.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 2 years from date of cutoff.


  12. Letters of Commendation and Appreciation (120.100).
  13. Description: Copies of letters recognizing length of service and retirement letters of appreciation and commendation for performance, excluding copies filed in the OPF.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 2 years from date of cutoff.


Food Services/Parking

  1. Headquarters Car Pool Coordination and Parking Records.
  2. Description: Paper and machine-readable files. Paper files include applications, correspondence, violations, and photographs. Machine-readable files consist of information from the application file, such as name, space number, principal and other drivers’ license numbers, and home addresses.

    1. Application case files.
    2. Arrangement: Numerically, by parking space number.

      Use: To develop history of individual parking space and to house paperwork.

      Retain until next carpool/parking space revalidation program is completed, then destroy.


    3. Machine-readable files (100.010).
    4. Arrangement: Accessed by name, tag number, office location, and space number.

      Use: In daily car pool and parking administration.

      Immediately remove all information when employee surrenders space.


    5. Accounting reports generated in Office of Headquarters Services.
    6. Use: To reconcile and monitor accounts.

      Dispose of after audit.


    7. Other miscellaneous reports in Office of Headquarters Services.
    8. Use: To administer parking program.

      Dispose of when no longer needed for reference or when 1 year old, whichever is sooner.


    9. Violations maintained in applications case file.
    10. Screen this file annually, dispose of all violation notices when 1 year old.


    11. Medical files maintained by the medical officer (120.090).
    12. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by employee’s name.

      Use: To assign handicapped parking spaces.

      Dispose of 1 year from date of termination of assignment. Do not transfer to FRC.


Record Keeping

  1. Employee Housing Requests.
  2. Description: Forms requesting USPS assistance in housing matters, such as rental or purchase.

    Dispose of when 1 year old.


  3. Personnel Work Sheets.
  4. Arrangement: Chronologically, batched by day, at Employee and Labor Relations Information Centers.

    Description: Work sheets and associated reports containing personnel data identical to that found in the Official Personnel Folder.

    Use: To enter information for hires and change information for current employees into the automated PS Form 50 system.

    Dispose of 30 days after a new PS Form 50 is issued.


  5. Official Personnel Folders (OPF) (120.070).
    1. Upon separation from the Postal Service for purpose of employment by another government agency.
    2. Transfer folder to gaining Federal agency.


    3. Upon separation from the federal service for purposes such as retirement, military service (active duty), or employment in the private sector.
    4. Transfer folder to National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St. Louis, MO, 90 days after separation. NPRC will destroy 75 years after the birth date of employee or 60 years after the date of the earliest document in the folder if the date of birth cannot be ascertained, provided the employee has been separated for at least 5 years.


  6. Temporary Records of Individual Employees (120.070).
  7. Description: Records filed on the left side of the Official Personnel Folder in accordance with USPS regulations.

    Dispose of when 2 years old, upon separation, or upon transfer of employee, whichever is sooner.


  8. Supervisors’ Personnel Records (120.190).
  9. Description: Duplicate copies of individuals’ employment records and other records maintained at the supervisor’s discretion. May include copies of correspondence, personnel action forms, disciplinary records, and other related material.

    1. Records of Discussions.
    2. Dispose of when 1 year old if there has been no disciplinary action initiated against the employee during the period.


    3. Letters of warning.
    4. Dispose of when 2 years old if there has been no disciplinary action initiated against the employee during the period.


    5. All other records.
    6. Dispose of immediately upon termination of supervisor/employee relationship.

      NC1–28–80–3/7c (Replaces NC1–28–77–1/3)

  10. Service Record Cards (120.070).
  11. Description: Standard Form 7 or its equivalent.

    Use: To document employee’s PS Form 50 history.

    Move to an inactive file upon separation or transfer of the employee. Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.


  12. Financial Disclosure Reports for Executive Branch Personnel (120.060).
  13. Arrangement: Alphabetically by last name of employee, and by year of submission.

    Description: Public financial disclosure reports (SF 278) and related documents submitted by senior level employees as required by Ethics in Government Act of 1978 (PL–521). Includes changes and additions.

    Use: For compliance with Ethics in Government Act and for reviews of possible conflict of interest violations.

    Dispose of 6 years from date of receipt unless needed in connection with pending investigation; then dispose of along with investigative file. Do not transfer to FRC.

    N1–28–87–5/6a (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/88)

  14. PS Forms 2417 and 2418, Confidential Statements of Employment and Financial Interests — (120.060).
  15. Arrangement: Alphabetically by last name of employee.

    Description: Confidential statements of employment and financial interests, supplemental statements, and related documents submitted annually by certain Law Department employees as required by the Ethics in Government Act.

    Use: For compliance with Ethics in Government Act and for reviews of possible conflict of interest violations.

    Dispose of 2 years after employee is no longer subject to reporting requirements. Destroy by shredding. Do not transfer to FRC.

    N1–28–87–5/6b (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/88)

  16. Motor Vehicle Operators’ Records (120.170, 120.210).
  17. Arrangement: Case files, alphabetically, by driver’s name.

    Description: Records relating to individual employee operation of Postal Service–owned or –leased vehicles; including driver tests, licenses, safe driving, accidents, necessary medical information, and any related correspondence.

    Sample Forms: PS 1543, 1768, 2480, 2548, 4584, 5908, 5909, 5932; OF–346, V–11P.

    Upon separation, expiration of license, recision of authorization, or transfer of driver into a nondriving status, or transfer (unless requested by new installation or agency), move to an inactive file. Cut off this file each fiscal year; dispose of 4 years from date of cutoff.


  18. Combined Federal Campaign Records.
  19. Description: General campaign records, statistical reports, record copy of coordinator and keyworker’s report by offices, and other related documents.

    Cut off the file each calendar year; dispose of 4 years from date of cutoff.
