ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 414 Reassignment 414.1 Reassignment to Nonbargaining Unit Positions 414.11 Definition A reassignment to a nonbargaining unit position is the permanent..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 414 Reassignment 414.1 Reassignment to Nonbargaining Unit Positions 414.11 Definition A reassignment to a nonbargaining unit position is the permanent..." />

414 Reassignment

414.1 Reassignment to Nonbargaining Unit Positions

414.11 Definition

A reassignment to a nonbargaining unit position is the permanent change, with or without relocation, of an employee to an established EAS position from a position with the same or equivalent grade. (For changes between pay schedules, see Exhibit 418.)

414.12 Rate Adjustment
414.121 Nonbargaining Unit Employees

An EAS employee’s salary is not changed as a result of reassignment within the EAS schedule except when the employee is reassigned to an exempt EAS–15 through EAS–19 position that involves directly supervising two or more full-time equivalent bargaining unit employees. In this case, the employee’s salary must be no less than the supervisory differential adjustment (SDA) rate, as described in Exhibit 412.12b.

414.122 Bargaining Unit Employees

Bargaining unit employees reassigned to nonbargaining unit positions continue to receive their former basic salary provided that it is not below the minimum or above the maximum for the new position.

If the employee is reassigned to an EAS–19 or below position and has served 52 weeks or more in the bargaining unit position since the last step, promotion, or other equivalent increase, the employee’s salary is advanced by 3 percent, provided all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The employee has not received an equivalent increase (one equal to the most prevalent step in the salary schedule for the former position) at the time of the reassignment.
  2. The employee has satisfactory service.
  3. The new salary is below the new maximum.

414.2 Reassignment to Bargaining Unit Positions

414.21 Definition

A reassignment from a nonbargaining unit position to a bargaining unit position is the permanent change, with or without relocation, of a nonbargaining unit employee to an established bargaining unit position with an equivalent grade (see Exhibit 418).

414.22 Rate Adjustment
414.221 Former Bargaining Unit Service in an Equivalent Grade

If the employee has performed prior service in an equivalent bargaining unit grade, the step and next step date are determined as if service had been continuous in the equivalent bargaining unit grade.

Note: Reassignment to PS Schedule 2 must include service the employee would have had in PS Schedule 1 before conversion to PS Schedule 2.

414.222 No Former Bargaining Unit Service in an Equivalent Grade

If the employee has never performed prior service in an equivalent bargaining unit grade, the step is determined by moving the nonbargaining unit salary to the equivalent grade in the bargaining unit pay schedule. If the current salary falls between two steps, the higher step is assigned. To establish the next step date, creditable service is allowed since the last nonbargaining unit Pay for Performance increase or salary adjustment (see 416). The provisions contained in 422.124c(4) also apply.

Note: If the employee’s nonbargaining salary exceeds the amount associated with the top step in the bargaining unit schedule, the employee is placed at the top step.