ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 320 Recruitment 321 General Provisions for Recruitment 321.1 Anticipating Recruitment Needs Generally, nonbargaining positions are filled from within ..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 320 Recruitment 321 General Provisions for Recruitment 321.1 Anticipating Recruitment Needs Generally, nonbargaining positions are filled from within ..." />

320 Recruitment

321 General Provisions for Recruitment

321.1 Anticipating Recruitment Needs

Generally, nonbargaining positions are filled from within the Postal Service. When vacancies are not filled by internal placement of employees, career and noncareer vacancies may be filled externally. The appointing official must anticipate recruitment needs in time to ensure that qualified persons are available for appointment. The appointing official must consider the number of anticipated vacancies, and decide whether the needs can be met with noncompetitive recruitment sources, competitive recruitment, or a combination of competitive and noncompetitive recruitment sources. When competitive recruitment will be utilized, the appointing official determines whether additional recruitment efforts are necessary to yield a diverse pool of qualified persons for potential Postal Service employment (see Handbook EL-312, Employment and Placement, chapter 2).

321.2 Publicizing Job Opportunities

District human resources managers and appointing officials must ensure that job opportunities are widely publicized to recruit new employees (see Handbook EL-312, part 42).

321.3 Veterans’ Preference for Eligible Applicants

The Postal Service grants veterans’ preference to eligible applicants for Postal Service employment. See Handbook EL-312, 48, Veterans’ Preference, for specific procedural guidelines.

321.4 Register Preference Factors

The Postal Service grants veterans’ preference for Postal Service employment. See Handbook EL–312, 48, Veterans’ Preference, for specific procedural guidelines.

321.5 Register Maintenance

The district maintains registers for filling positions in an installation or group of installations. Entrance examination results are used to create the registers used to fill jobs. A separate register exists for each examination. See Handbook EL–312, chapter 4, for specific procedures for establishing, maintaining, and using registers.