ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Labor Relations Collective Bargaining USPS–Union Negotiation Files. Arrangement: Numerically, by article number of the National Agreement. Description..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Labor Relations Collective Bargaining USPS–Union Negotiation Files. Arrangement: Numerically, by article number of the National Agreement. Description..." />

Labor Relations

Collective Bargaining

  1. USPS–Union Negotiation Files.
  2. Arrangement: Numerically, by article number of the National Agreement.

    Description: Correspondence, notes, memorandums, and other material pertaining to USPS–union contract negotiations.

    Use: For preparation for future collective bargaining negotiations and for arbitrations.

    Cut off this file upon termination of the contract; dispose of 50 years from date of cutoff, or when no longer needed for reference, whichever is later. Do not send to FRC.

    N1–28–88–5/4 (Replaces NC1–28–79–4/97)

Contract Administration

  1. Minutes of Meetings: Joint Labor/Management. (Committees such as EAP, Safety and Health, and scheme committees are established pursuant to Articles of the National Agreement.)
  2. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Minutes of joint meetings of labor/management committees at both the national and field levels.

    1. National level.
    2. Cut off this file upon termination of the contract; transfer to FRC when 10 years old; dispose of 20 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Field level.
    4. Cut off this file at the end of each calendar year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff. Do not transfer to FRC.


  3. Bulk Mail Center Labor Negotiations.
  4. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by BMC name.

    Description: Records pertaining to the Labor Relations involvement in setting up the Bulk Mail Centers. Includes staffing plans and changes, correspondence, and documents resulting from local labor/management negotiations.

    Use: To document labor/management agreements relating to BMCs.

    Cut off this file when no longer needed for reference or research. Dispose of 2 years after cutoff.


  5. Disciplinary and Contract Grievances and Appeals of Bargaining–Unit Employees.
  6. Arrangement: Case files, numerically, by case number.

    Description: Notices of disciplinary action, standard grievance forms from the unions, statements of fact, statements of witnesses and supervisors, copies of supporting records from other USPS files, summaries, decisions, union corrections or additions, appeal requests, papers that result from an appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board, and other pertinent papers.

    Use: To document grievances and appeals for employees covered by the collective–bargaining agreements. (Articles 15 and 16.)

    Sample Forms: PS 2608, 2609, 2610.

    Move to a closed case file upon receipt of final decision. Cut off this file upon expiration of the National Agreement. Do not send to FRC; dispose of when 7 years old.

    N1–28–86–2/40 (Replaces NC1–28–83–2/30)

    Note: No disposal is to occur without approval of the Director, Office of Grievance and Arbitration.

  7. Arbitration Case Files.
  8. Arrangement: Case files, numerically, by case number.

    Description: Copies of original disciplinary and contract grievances, and appeals of bargaining–unit employees. Includes formal pleadings, memorandums of law, and other relevant documents such as case analyses, notes, and telephone records.

    Use: To provide legal advice and representation to the Postal Service.

    1. Disciplinary and contract application cases (national and field level).
    2. Move to a closed case file upon receipt of final decision. Cut off this file each calendar year.

      Transfer to FRC 7 years after cutoff; dispose of 15 years from date of cutoff.

      N1–28–86–2/39a(1) (Replaces NC1–28–83–2/31a)

    3. Contract interpretation cases (national level).
    4. Move to a closed file upon receipt of final decision. Cut off this file upon expiration of the agreement; transfer to FRC when 7 years old; dispose of 15 years from date of cutoff.


    5. Court actions.
    6. Move to a closed file upon receipt of final decision. Cut off this file upon expiration of the agreement; transfer to FRC when 7 years old; dispose of 15 years from date of cutoff.


  9. PS Form 186, Directives Clearance Files — Labor Relations Issues.
  10. Arrangement: Chronologically.

    Description: Copies of PS 186 packages from other Headquarters departments relating to proposed program changes that have labor relations implications. Include background papers and correspondence.

    Use: To notify unions of proposed policy or program changes affecting bargaining unit employees.

    Cut off this file at the end of each calendar year. Transfer to storage 2 years after cutoff. Dispose of 4 years after cutoff.
