ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 714 Training Delivery 714.1 General 714.11 Types of Training Delivery Types of training delivery are: Postal Training. Postal Service sources or non-P..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 714 Training Delivery 714.1 General 714.11 Types of Training Delivery Types of training delivery are: Postal Training. Postal Service sources or non-P..." />

714 Training Delivery

714.1 General

714.11 Types of Training Delivery

Types of training delivery are:

  1. Postal Training. Postal Service sources or non-Postal Service sources conduct this training under contract with the Postal Service.
  2. Non-Postal Service Training. Non-Postal Service sources conduct this training under a tuition or registration fee arrangement that the Postal Service funds in whole or in part.
  3. Other Training. This is training that non-Postal Service sources conduct with no Postal Service funding or involvement (e.g., training that employees receive on their own initiative during non-duty hours, including as a student at an independent school, college, or trade school).
714.12 Choices of Training Source
714.121 Considerations

The Postal Service provides most employee training in-house. Managers may choose to use a non-Postal Service training source only if this choice is justified after considering:

  1. Need for, cost, and benefits of such training.
  2. Training available within the Postal Service.
714.122 Justification

To comply with Postal Service training requirements, if a cost is associated with the training, an eBuy requisition must be approved for training that non-Postal Service vendors and contractors deliver.

The employee, supervisor, or manager submits an eBuy requisition and must include the manager of Learning Development and Diversity (MLDD) in the approval process if the employee is from the district.

The MLDD will ensure that the employee’s selection is consistent with published training policies and that training prerequisites have been met.

714.2 Postal Service Training Delivery

714.21 Delivery Modes

Training may be delivered:

  1. In person in an instructor-led classroom setting. In-person Postal Service training is delivered at:
    1. Postal Service national training centers,
    2. Local facilities,
    3. Headquarters, or
    4. Alternative training sites.
  2. Virtually via online conferencing software.
  3. Online through HERO as web-based training.
  4. Through a combination of delivery modalities.
714.22 Information about Delivery Sources

Information about official Learning and Development training program delivery sources is communicated through multiple vehicles, including:

  1. The Postal Service intranet (Blue).
  2. Regular communication channels at Headquarters.
  3. Targeted communication campaigns, including the Learning News and Notification newsletter and the monthly MLDD webinar.
714.221 Headquarters

The Learning and Development Department at Headquarters is the official source for formal, enterprise-wide training and is responsible for delivering quality training that improves the employee experience, meets the organization’s needs, and safeguards USPS resources. All USPS training products and services must adhere to quality standards and support the Postal Service’s strategic plan and mission.

714.222 Areas, Districts, and Plants

Areas, districts, and plants may administer local training and other training as authorized in 721.2 and 721.3.

714.223 National Center for Employee Development

NCED administers Postal Service technical maintenance programs for bargaining and nonbargaining unit employees and coordinates the delivery of nationally developed training programs for supervisors, managers, and postmasters. NCED also provides facilities for Postal Service meetings and conferences.

714.224 William F. Bolger Center for Leadership Development

The William F. Bolger Center for Leadership Development (also known as the Bolger Center) provides facilities and support for national leadership programs and technical training, as well as a venue for strategic meetings and conferences.

714.225 Strategic Learning Initiatives

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Postal Inspection Service have established the Joint Mission Support Center to leverage the strength of some of their administrative and support functions. Strategic Learning Services, a component of the center, administers training programs for inspectors, police officers, OIG special agents, and the technical and administrative support staff of both agencies.

714.3 Non-Postal Service Training Delivery

Non-Postal Service training delivery sources include:

  1. Other government agencies.
  2. Colleges, universities, and vocational schools.
  3. Other non-Postal Service organizations and vendors.