ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 364 Changes in Duty Status Changes in duty status are changes that place employees in a nonpay status or return them to active duty and pay status. Th..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 364 Changes in Duty Status Changes in duty status are changes that place employees in a nonpay status or return them to active duty and pay status. Th..." />

364 Changes in Duty Status

Changes in duty status are changes that place employees in a nonpay status or return them to active duty and pay status. These changes are defined in items a through d.

  1. Leave Without Pay (LWOP) – A temporary nonpay status and absence from duty, granted when appropriate, as a result of an employee’s request (includes time spent on active military duty).
  2. Suspension A temporary nonpay status and absence from duty for disciplinary or other reasons. If the suspension is for a specific period, the appropriate documentation specifies the exact number of days and dates of suspension.
  3. Absence Without Leave (AWOL) A temporary nonpay status and absence from duty without appropriate authorization.
  4. Return to Duty — A return to active duty and pay status from LWOP in excess of 30 days. This includes a return to duty from active military service (refer to EL-312 773 for additional requirements on return to duty from 30 days or more of active duty military service). In the remarks section of the personnel action, Human Resources indicates the authority and reason for effecting the change in duty status.

In the remarks section of the personnel action, Human Resources indicates the authority and reason for effecting the change in duty status.