ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 844 Seatbelt Use Incentive 844.1 Policy The amount of $10,000 will be paid to the estate of any postal employee who, while in a pay–duty status, susta..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 844 Seatbelt Use Incentive 844.1 Policy The amount of $10,000 will be paid to the estate of any postal employee who, while in a pay–duty status, susta..." />

844 Seatbelt Use Incentive

844.1 Policy

The amount of $10,000 will be paid to the estate of any postal employee who, while in a pay–duty status, sustains fatal injuries as the result of a job–related motor vehicle accident, provided he or she is wearing the lap belt and shoulder belt when required and is not in violation of the traffic laws and postal policy at the time of the accident.

844.2 Determination

It is the responsibility of the investigation board, to determine and document whether or not an employee was wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident and that no traffic law was being violated by the postal driver. Such determinations are based on, but not limited to, postal and/or police accident investigative reports, autopsy reports, and/or interviews with witnesses, ambulance attendants, police, or attending medical and hospital personnel.

For purposes of this incentive program, where a determination and documentation cannot be made or is conflicting, it will be assumed that the employee was wearing a seat belt and was in compliance with the law.

844.3 Payment

Upon receipt of the board’s final investigative report, the area vice president notifies the area Human Resources manager, via memorandum, that payment should be made to the employee’s estate. Included with the memorandum is a copy of the board’s investigative report summary. The area Human Resources manager requests payment from the Eagan Accounting Service Center and transmits the check to the division manager for disbursement to the employee’s estate. A copy of the request for payment is to be forwarded to SOCP, Headquarters, and is part of the serious accident file.