ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Training Career Development Training Aids. Arrangement: Sequentially, by 7–digit course number. Description: Copies of manuals, syllabuses, textbooks,..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents Training Career Development Training Aids. Arrangement: Sequentially, by 7–digit course number. Description: Copies of manuals, syllabuses, textbooks,..." />


Career Development

  1. Training Aids.
  2. Arrangement: Sequentially, by 7–digit course number.

    Description: Copies of manuals, syllabuses, textbooks, and lesson plans developed according to the American Council on Education (ACE); and other training aids developed by a USPS training facility, other agencies, or private institutions.

    Cut off when course is dropped from curriculum; dispose of when no longer needed for reference or instruction purposes.


  3. Employee Training Files (120.152).
  4. Description: Correspondence, memorandums, reports, and other records relating to the availability of training and employee participation in Postal or non–Postal training programs.

    Sample Forms: PS 1734, 1782, 2432, 2548, 3132.

    Cut off this file each calendar year; dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff.


  5. Technical Training Center Class Records.
    1. Class folders.
    2. Arrangement: Chronologically, by course number and name.

      Description: Student records: course number, test results and cross reference to tests administered, individual and course grade averages, counseling, and leave records.

      Store in locked cabinets in local storage room. Do not send to FRC. Cut off this file at end of fiscal year. Dispose of 3 years from date of cutoff.


    3. Registrar’s office folders.
    4. Arrangement: Numerically, by course offering number (course title, date, and number).

      Description: Training requests, authorizations and class rosters. Contains student’s name, Social Security number, duty station, and final grade. Contains a record of training (PS Form 1734) for students who complete course and withdrawal/failure form for individuals not completing course.

      Cut off this file at end of the fiscal year; dispose of 1 year from date of cutoff.


    5. Registrar’s office magnetic tape (120.120, 120.121, 120.152, 120.153)
    6. Arrangement: Alphabetically, by name and Social Security number (within class).

      Description: Information from class rosters. Consists of name, Social Security number, final grade, duty station, course number, and title. Connected by terminal to database at the William F. Bolger Management Academy.

      Use: For various statistical analyses and transcript requests. Cut off at end of each class. Maintain for 30 years. Do not send to FRC.


  6. Technical Training Center Test Records.
  7. Arrangement: Chronologically, by date and course number.

    Description: Senior instructor created tests and test validation information (pre– and post–test analysis data).

    Cut off this file at end of each fiscal year. Dispose of 5 years from date of cutoff. Do not send to FRC.
