ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 814 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 814.1 Rights Employees have the right to: Become actively involved in the Postal Service’s safety and health ..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 814 Employee Rights and Responsibilities 814.1 Rights Employees have the right to: Become actively involved in the Postal Service’s safety and health ..." />

814 Employee Rights and Responsibilities

814.1 Rights

Employees have the right to:

  1. Become actively involved in the Postal Service’s safety and health program and be provided a safe and healthful work environment.
  2. Report unsafe and unhealthful working conditions using PS Form 1767, Report of Hazard, Unsafe Condition, or Practice.
  3. Consult with management through appropriate employee representatives on safety and health matters such as program effectiveness.
  4. Participate in inspection activities where permissible.
  5. Participate in the safety and health program without fear of:
    1. Restraint,
    2. Interference,
    3. Coercion,
    4. Discrimination, or
    5. Reprisal.

814.2 Responsibilities

All employees are responsible for:

  1. Complying with all OSHA and Postal Service safety and health regulations, procedures, and practices, including the use of approved personal protective equipment.
  2. Keeping the work area in a safe and healthful condition through good housekeeping and proper maintenance of property and equipment.
  3. Reporting recognized safety hazards and unsafe working conditions immediately.
  4. Performing all duties in a safe manner.
  5. Keeping physically and mentally fit to meet the requirements of the job.
  6. Reporting to their supervisors immediately any accident or injury in which they are involved, regardless of the extent of injury or damage.
  7. Driving defensively and professionally, extending courtesy in all situations, and obeying all state, local, and Postal Service regulations when driving a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by the Postal Service.