ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 344 Hiring Worksheets 344.1 When to Issue Hiring Lists When necessary to hire externally from a competitive recruitment source, Human Resources publis..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 344 Hiring Worksheets 344.1 When to Issue Hiring Lists When necessary to hire externally from a competitive recruitment source, Human Resources publis..." />

344 Hiring Worksheets

344.1 When to Issue Hiring Lists

When necessary to hire externally from a competitive recruitment source, Human Resources publishes a vacancy announcement on http://about.usps.com/careers/welcome.htm. If an entrance examination is required, applicants not currently qualified on the examination may be invited to take the test. A Hiring List containing the names of qualified applicants is created after expiration of the testing time limit. Each applicant listed on the Hiring List is invited to be interviewed for the position.

344.2 Interviewing Applicants

Interviewers for nonbargaining vacancies must be trained and certified on Nonbargaining Selection Methods, Course 10022345 and Essentials of Interviewing and Hiring: Behavioral Interview Techniques, Course 3623586. Interviewers for external bargaining vacancies must be trained and certified on Entry Level Interviewer Training, Course 21585-00. Interviewers become certified by completing the course, observing an interview conducted by a certified interviewer, and being observed conducting an interview by a certified interviewer. A trained, certified interviewer conducts interviews with external applicants for bargaining positions.

344.3 Appointing Official Responsibilities

The selecting official must make selections for appointment from external hiring lists using the rule of three (see 344.4). Selections must be made based on merit. It is Postal Service policy not to discriminate in personnel decisions on the basis of:

  1. Race, color, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity, including transgender status), national origin, religion, age (40 or over), genetic information, disability, or retaliation for engaging in EEO-protected activity as provided by law; or
  2. Other non-meritorious factors, such as political affiliation; marital status; status as a parent; and past, present, or future military service.

344.4 Rule of Three

Appointing officials select from among the three highest ranked and available applicants from the appropriate external Hiring List. An applicant who is performing uniformed service is not per se unavailable; consult human resources. This selection method is known as the rule of three (see Handbook EL-312, 624).

344.5 Nonselection of a Veterans’ Preference Eligible

A veterans’ preference eligible candidate may not be passed over to select a nonpreference eligible candidate that is lower on the Hiring List, unless the selecting official objects to the veteran and the objection is sustained. See Handbook EL-312, 627, Objection to or Pass Over of Preference Eligible, for requirements for passing over a veteran.