ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 416 Pay for Performance Program 416.1 Policy EAS employees are eligible for an annual Pay for Performance (PFP) salary increase and/or lump-sum paymen..." /> ELM 55 - Employee and Labor Relations Manual - Contents 416 Pay for Performance Program 416.1 Policy EAS employees are eligible for an annual Pay for Performance (PFP) salary increase and/or lump-sum paymen..." />

416 Pay for Performance Program

416.1 Policy

EAS employees are eligible for an annual Pay for Performance (PFP) salary increase and/or lump-sum payment based on a fiscal year performance evaluation. The Postal Service conducts these evaluations in accordance with established performance appraisal instructions. PFP adjustments are made in accordance with guidelines issued annually.

The Postal Service automatically calculates all PFP pay actions based on salary information available from the corporate payroll system and performance ratings provided under the Web-based Performance Evaluation System (PES). Deadlines are published at the end of the fiscal year for completing employee accomplishments in PES.

See Pay for Performance on the Postal Service Human Resources website (https://blue.usps.gov/hr/) for additional information on PFP pay rules and the performance evaluation system and process.

416.2 Management Association Officials Eligibility Requirements

Employees who are placed on leave without pay (LWOP) to devote full-time service as elected national officers of a recognized management association are eligible to have their salary of record adjusted to reflect annual PFP increases as if they were continuing in a pay status. The effective date of an employee’s adjustment is the same as it would be if the employee were in a pay status. The amount of such an adjustment is determined as follows:

  1. The percentage increase is equal to the National Performance Assessment score (national rating).
  2. The adjusted salary may not exceed the maximum of the range for the employee’s grade.
  3. The employee is not eligible for a PFP lump sum.

416.3 Simultaneous Personnel Actions

When a PFP increase and another personnel action are effective on the same date, the PFP increase is granted first.