6 Employee Relations
6 Employee Relations
610 Employee Services
611 Scope
612 Information Media
612.1 Responsibility
612.2 Methods
613 Credit Unions
613.1 Authority
613.2 Space Allowance
613.3 Employees With Credit Union Duties
614 Food Services
614.1 Policy
614.2 Operation
614.3 Types
614.4 Funds
615 Social Recreational Program
615.1 Policy
615.2 Discrimination
615.3 Committees
615.4 Employee Social and Recreational Fund
615.5 Records and Files
615.6 Reports
615.7 Audits
615.8 Tax Status of Social and Recreational Funds
616 Savings Bond Program
616.1 Payroll Savings Plan
616.2 Notification
616.3 Enrollment
616.4 Reports
617 Combined Federal Campaign Program
617.1 Annual Campaign
617.2 Organization
617.3 Solicitation
617.4 Contributions
617.5 Reports
617.6 Recognition
617.7 Further Information
620 Contests
621 Scope
622 Objective
623 Responsibilities
623.1 Approval Authorities
623.2 Districts and Plants
623.3 Areas
623.4 Executive Committee Member
624 Establishment
624.1 Criteria
624.2 Structure
624.3 Contest Rules
625 Implementation
625.1 Eligibility
625.2 Evaluation
626 Types of Awards
626.1 Acceptable
626.2 Unacceptable
627 Limitations
627.1 Numbers and Types of Contests
627.2 Expenditures
630 Reserved
640 Employee Claims
641 Nonbargaining Unit Employees
641.1 Policy
641.2 Requirements
641.3 Claimants
641.4 Compensation
641.5 Procedures
642 Bargaining Unit Employees
650 Nonbargaining Disciplinary, Grievance, and Appeal Procedures
651 Disciplinary and Emergency Procedures
651.1 Scope
651.2 Representation
651.3 Nondisciplinary Corrective Measures
651.4 Emergency Placement in Off–Duty Status
651.5 Letters of Warning
651.6 Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time–Off Suspensions
651.7 Adverse Actions
652 Appeal Procedures
652.1 Scope
652.2 Appeal of Adverse Actions
652.3 Appeal of Letters of Warning in Lieu of Time–off Suspensions
652.4 Other Appealable Actions
652.5 Alternative Dispute Resolution
660 Conduct
661 Statutory Provisions
661.1 Laws Referenced in This Manual
661.2 Application to Postal Employees
662 Federal Standards of Ethical Conduct
662.1 Publication
662.2 Financial Disclosure
663 Participation in Political and Community Activities
663.1 Political Activities
663.2 Community Affairs
663.3 Nonparticipation in Segregated Meetings
664 Bribery, Undue Influence, or Coercion
665 Postal Service Standards of Conduct
665.1 General Expectations
665.2 Prohibited Conduct
665.3 Cooperation in Investigations
665.4 Attendance
665.5 Furnishing Address
665.6 Disciplinary Action
666 Prohibited Personnel Practices
666.1 Restrictions
666.2 Remedies
666.3 Whistleblower Protection
667 Service Matters
667.1 General Service Behavior
667.2 Interception of Oral or Wire Communications by Postal Employees
667.3 Records, Information, and Associated Processing Systems and Equipment
668 Legal Assistance Provided by the Postal Service
668.1 Representation of Postal Service Employees by the Department of Justice in Civil and Criminal Cases
668.2 Reimbursement of Employees for Legal Fees, Judgments, and Settlements
668.3 USPS Governors and Officers
669 Definitions
670 Diversity, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Prevention of Employment Discrimination
671 Diversity Overview
672 Federal Laws and Regulations, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Prohibiting Employment Discrimination
672.1 Laws
672.2 Equal Employment Opportunity Regulations
673 Postal Service Policy
673.1 General Information on Policies
673.2 Diversity and Inclusion Statement
673.3 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement
673.4 Policy on Workplace Harassment
673.5 Complaint Processes
673.6 Accountability for Diversity and Inclusion, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Prevention of Discrimination
674 Organizational Responsibilities
674.1 Chief Human Resources Officer and Executive Vice President
674.2 Functional Organizations
674.3 Inclusiveness and Diversity Advisory Committees
675 Special Emphasis Programs
675.1 Nature of Programs
675.2 Objectives
675.3 Additional Information
676 On–Site EEO Evaluations
680 Participation in Supervisory and Managerial Organizations
681 Participation Rights
682 Postal Service Representation at Organization Gatherings
682.1 Explanation
682.2 National Conventions
682.3 State Conventions and Other Management Association Conferences
683 District Meetings for Postmasters
690 Inventions and Patents
691 Policy
692 Authority
693 Definitions
694 Reporting Inventions
694.1 Reports
694.2 Review by Supervisor
695 Determination of Rights in and to an Invention
695.1 Responsibility
695.2 Instruments
696 Appeals and Petitions
697 Timeliness
698 Correspondence